Agenda Item

6a. 23-1168Consideration of Proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for Approval of Commercial Cannabis Cannabis Cultivation Consisting of 174,240 sf of Outdoor Canopy Located within 196,020 sf Cultivation Area; for Seigler Springs North/Brian Pensack; located at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 and 115-007-06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Francis Scott 11 months ago

    I'm very concerned about the severe environmental impact this large scale commercial/industrial operation will have on this area. Particularly the retreat Sanctuary property adjacent. Not to mention the impact and concern this will have on the existing wells that the Sanctuary retreat Property rely on. Are there not protective zoning laws that inhibit large commercial operations from encroaching into Sanctuary areas?

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    Julie Payette 11 months ago

    We are in a high risk fire area. Most are even having trouble getting fire insurance. We should not deplete our water supply by a sizeable commercial undertaking such as this.

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    Steve Alexander 11 months ago

    I am a 30 year resident of the area and a homeowner a short distance from the proposed grow. Our neighborhood has faced some significant impact from commercial farming operations already including Snow's Lake Vineyard which destroyed thousands of acres of native countryside, increasing noise, traffic and introducing the use of pesticides very close to residential areas. There is also already a commercial cannibals operation a short distance away which as increased traffic and noise. One of my biggest concerns is also the effect on the water table which was already greatly impacted by the vineyards. I feel that will negatively impact our quality of life here. I have also heard that many commercial cannabis operations push the limits of what they are permitted to do and I am concerned that their are sufficient resources now to keep on top of this. Our area is still a healthy and happy place for people to live and I hope it remains so.

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    Alexandra Gandolf 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose the granting of this major use permit. The proposed cannabis operation would significantly alter the natural environment and disturb the serenity of the surrounding neighborhoods. It would severely deplete scarce water resources, cause air and water pollution, and increase traffic on a narrow country road. There is a spiritual sanctuary very close by that people come to from all over the world for peaceful retreat. Please do not allow this huge commercial operation to forever change this beautiful landscape and the lives of residents of the area.

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    Indigo Perry 11 months ago

    The extreme use of water in such a fire-prone area is utterly irresponsible, not to mention the blight on the landscape. Property values will almost certainly be affected.

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    Shasta McBride 11 months ago

    I oppose this project because of the severe use of water it will require in an already drought-stricken environment. I also oppose this project because the cannabis market is already oversaturated which creates very low pay for workers and owners, bad investments, and overuse of Lake County’s resources. These are not good things to help a community flourish.

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    D Hal 11 months ago

    The idea of putting a grow in this area, most likely because it is considered 'remote', is absurd and irresponsible. This area happens to not only have a concentration of long time residents and home owners, but frequent out-of-county visitors who come to specifically enjoy the serenity and peace of the area. Putting in a grow of this magnitude is irresponsible for the following reasons: 1) there is no well on the proposed property so the full environmental impact on the local water table is unknown, 2) the roads into this area are poorly maintained and narrow, while also having high foot traffic in some places, 3) the smell of a grow would destroy quality of life for the concentration of residents and visitors in the area, 4) the potential for criminal activity and resulting security measures would disrupt and darken the neighborhood.

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    Isabelle Trudeau 11 months ago

    As a resident of the area I oppose the granting of a use permit for this very large scale cannabis cultivation. My concerns are many: transformation of a calm and secure neighborhood into a busy commercial zone (with lots of road traffic, noise and light pollution ), and the inevitable pollution of the watershed (including the nearby protected wetlands by the side of North Seigler road)

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    Michael Goforth 11 months ago

    I have lived in Lake County for 27 years and visited often for the 12 years before that. My father, water skied here as a young man. I am a member of the Adidam Religious Community that has the Mountain of Attention Meditation Center that is next to the proposed Cannabis Grow. This is to industrial, an operation for this area. The developers of this property should find another location in Lake County, not in a residential area near a Meditation Retreat Center. Additional reasons to deny this use permit are: 1) Overuse of limited water; 2) Pollution of water that runs through the Meditation Retreat Center; 3) Noise, air and light pollution: 4) Traffic congestion; 5) Guards may intimidate and threaten people who stray near the plantings. Sincerely, Michael Miguel Goforth: Internet, Search, Social Media, Marketing Consultant & Tutor at Web GoForth ISSMMCT: Retired. Home Owner Kelseyville Riviera. 9570 Fairway Dr. Kelseyville Ca 95451 home 707-928-4796, Cell 7072921215.

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    Gosia Zuk 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed cannabis project because it will dangerously reduce the amount of water available for the community, create noise, air pollution, and unwanted light at night. It will attract noisy vehicle traffic into what is now a peaceful and quiet area. A cannabis operation of this size may attract crime and require armed guards, all of which would threaten people who happen to walk in the area. I say "no" to chemical contamination of water and soil, and ugly greenhouses on a hill overlooking the land that was recognized as sacred since ancient time.

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    Paul Edoka 11 months ago

    This project would disastrously erode the water table, bring harmful chemicals into the naturally beautiful landscape and be a greater burden on the energy costs of the county. No bueno.