Agenda Item

6a. 23-1168Consideration of Proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for Approval of Commercial Cannabis Cannabis Cultivation Consisting of 174,240 sf of Outdoor Canopy Located within 196,020 sf Cultivation Area; for Seigler Springs North/Brian Pensack; located at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 and 115-007-06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Wendy Weiss 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed Cannibis Cultivation on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Spring North. It is too close to residents and will forever alter and impact the residents and natural beauty, serene quiet, and safety that draws residents to this area.
    There will be a vast depletion of water for the area and residents. This extremely large grow will add air pollution.
    There will be ecological destruction from grading causing a discharge of sediments into the watershed.
    Pesticides, fertilizers, and petroleum products could make their way into the streams that feed the local area, animals, and are used by local residents.
    The increased traffic and need for security will greatly impact the area and change it forever. A grow of cannabis this large may attract a criminal element, forever eroding the community's sense of safety and trust.
    For all these reasons please do not approve the major cannabis operation at 11625 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road.

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    Robert Rothemich 11 months ago

    I live on Shenandoah Road near this proposed cannabis farm, and am a member of the Adidam Community at the former Seigler Springs resort. I oppose the cannabis grow and the threat that it proposes to the environment due to extreme water use, increased traffic, industrial waste and pollution, and the risk of crime and criminal elements. Our retreat sanctuary at Seigler Springs is a pristine and peaceful place for meditation and religious practice and this operation is adjacent to the sanctuary property. Our church has been at this sanctuary for 50 years, and we have had to preserve the property in the past from geothermal development, a proposed airport, and expanding vineyards. We ask for Supervisors support to preserve this sacred place.

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    Jonathan Cottrell 11 months ago

    I have been a regular visitor to the unique sacred sanctuary known as Mountain of Attention since 1989. I am opposed to a proposed commercial cannabis cultivation on land adjacent to the sanctuary for many reasons, some are:
    ** Strong smell wafting onto the sanctuary. Hundreds of people regularly attend outdoor sacred events there. Strong odors will detract from sacred occasions
    ** Depletion of water resources. The main area of the sanctuary is 400 acres and requires a regular supply to maintain the plant environment. The proposed cannabis cultivation will disrupt this long-established water use.
    ** Many people visit the sanctuary from all over the world to enjoy its outstanding natural beauty. As a resident of Lake Co. and a naturalized US citizen originally from Britain. I came here because of the attraction of the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. A commercial cannabis cultivation does not attract anyone except more traffic and potential criminal element.

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    Chris Shanney 11 months ago

    This project represents a dramatic impact on the neighborhood as well as environmental risks. The applicant appears to be dramatically understating the impact on water tables, and dramatically understating the number of plants they will grow. I strictly oppose this effort. The benefit to the county is over ridden to the impact to many county residence in this area

    environmental concerns
    depletion of water table
    air pollution
    ecological destruction
    grading may cause discharge of sediments into the watershed
    pesticides, fertilizers, the streams that feed the Sanctuary springs and local watershed
    toxic chemicals
    light pollution (lights
    carbon footprint carbon foo(use of electricity, natural gas, water, fertilizers, greenhouse gas emissions)
    increased traffic
    esthetics of the natural surroundings

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    Sally Schumacher 11 months ago

    I live on Ridge Road, which is very close to the proposed site as well as to the Mountain of Attention Santuary. I am strongly opposed to a large-scale commercial cannabis operation, which would have an extremely negative impact on the sanctuary and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of depleting our local water supply, causing significant ecological damage, as well as noise and light pollution. Please preserve the peace and quiet of our local environment and do not give permission to this project.

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    Laura DeBaun 11 months ago

    I vehemently oppose the proposed Cannibis Cultivation on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Spring North. There are multiple reasons why this is a disastrous proposal for our area. The monoculture leaches the land; the deep aquifers would suffer as they already are from other grows in our area. So for the sake of the land, water, air and other resources do not permit this mega cultivation to take root here!

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    Aspen Asperiny 11 months ago

    I oppose granting the Major Use Permit for Commercial Cannabis Cultivation on North Siegler Road in Middletown.

    The proposed cultivation area of 196,020 sf would constitute an industrial agricultural installation that is inconsistent with and would significantly change the ecology of the surrounding untouched rural landscape by:
    Patricia Royman Rosen on October 25, 2023
    I oppose the above legislation. We live in Cobb Calif on Fox Drive
    • Using vast quantities of water, thereby depleting aquifers
    • Causing 24/7 industrial noise pollution from drying fans
    • Causing industrial-level ecological pollution through the discharge of sediments, pesticides, fertilizers, and petroleum products into the watershed
    • Causing light pollution throughout the night
    • Significantly increasing auto and truck traffic on an unpaved rural road
    • Eroding the community's safety and trust by attracting criminal interest in the area.

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    Robert Shaffer 11 months ago

    I am a resident of the Seigler Springs area on Seigler Springs North Road, Many vineyards and cannabas operations have set up in this area in recent years. These are heavy water users. The aquifer we use, which has been reliable for many years, is reaching its limit and beginning to show signs of overuse. Rainfall in Northern California is becoming less reliable, as shown by the multi-year drought before last year.
    Expanded demands on this aquifer will have significant negative impacts on existing residents. The proposed project will also create additional traffic and noise, as well as pollution, in this quiet, secluded neighborhood.
    The Adidam facility has occupied this site for fifty years. For centuries humans have come to the natural hot springs here as a center for healing. To damage this resource in the name of short term extractive profits would be a tragedy and a travesty.
    Please do not approve the major cannabis operation at 11625 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road.

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    Rachel Key 11 months ago

    Hi, my name is Rachel Key (56 y.o) I live 5 minutes from the Mountain of Attention and work there several times a week. I am a member of a peaceful and quiet retreat Centre (the Mountain of Attention) which is owned by the Adidam non-profit community. This Retreat Centre sits right next to this potential grow. We run quiet retreats and value the peace and quiet and natural environment. A large grow would cause huge disturbance. Traffic on the shared road. Potential loud humming of lights, loud generator in the case of power outages. The "pong" of "skunk" throughout our Sacred Holy land. These are only the negative factors I can take a guess at. My fellow Adidam members will have more specifics to write. I ADAMANDLY OPPOSE this grow near our Retreat Centre. Thank you for the opportunity to protest.

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    Harold Barcus 11 months ago

    The applicant property directly abuts a religious retreat center known as The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. This facility is used for contemplative purposes only. Its caretakers spent decades preserving the pristine qualities of the grounds and surrounding environment. The proposed agricultural operation could seriously threaten continuation of religious practices as traditionally conducted on this uniquely maintained property. Of particular concern are noise, odors, chemical drift, degradation of water supplies, and general environmental alteration detrimental to the peaceful and serene nature of the sanctuary vicinity that has well supported religious activities there for many years.

    In order to support and maintain the unaltered continuation of sacred activities as traditionally practiced at the long-established religious retreat facility adjacent to the applicant property, I oppose granting of the use permit and urge denial of the application.

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    Melani Jordan 11 months ago

    I am deeply opposed to this proposal of a commercial cannabis operation of this magnitude in the area. It is time that policy makers and community leaders take responsibility for the profound impacts of their decisions on the environment and human life locally and globally, given the compound effects we are seeing all over the world at this time. Commerce cannot rule and our choices, however small, have impacts for generations. Please heed all the opposition to this operation on the grounds of water rights, pollution of all kinds, and preservation of the rural peace of Lake County. Thank you.

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    William Stranger 11 months ago

    I live at 11475 Seigler Springs North Road just a few hundred yards away from the proposed outdoor cannabis grow. I am deeply opposed to the permitting of either an indoor or an indoor cannabis grow on the property. it took me two years to return here after the Valley Fire of 2015. It has taken eight years since that fire for the deer population to be replenished. The proposed grow site is key habitat for those deer, who sleep there at night and come down to the lake on the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in the late afternoon and evening. Most importantly, the proposed grow immediately adjoins and overlooks that Sanctuary, which is a place of retreat for hundreds of Lake County and Northern California residents and a place of religious and spiritual pilgrimage for people from around the world. Besides drawing yet more water from our wells and creating unwanted activity, noise, and traffic, any grow would irrevocably compromise the privacy and repose of that Sanctuary.

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    Rosamond Groves 11 months ago

    to whom it may concern,
    I'm concerned about several things regarding a proposes cannabis operation On North Seigler Springs Road
    -pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum products used for the operation and trash generated by the operation could make their way into the streams that feed the Sanctuary springs and local watershed•
    -depletion of water (cannabis operation of this size would use a vast quantity of water)
    -increased traffic ,the project description states that there will several employees on site,
    among many other things
    Please respect the concerns of neighbors and reject this proposal
    Thank you,
    Rosamond Groves

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    Rick Evans 11 months ago

    Cannabis operations like this are noisy and smelly. We already have a couple of them on the outskirts of our Seigler Springs neighborhood and it would impact us negatively in many ways to have an even larger one closer by.
    A major consideration is that the proposed grow would divert a huge amount of water in a dry area that needs to prioritize fire protection.
    For me personally the worst thing would be the disturbance created at the adjacent retreat Sanctuary which is used by many of us in the local community and others from around the world. We greatly value the peacefulness therein.

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    Charles Syrett 11 months ago

    I have been on meditation retreat at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary many times over the years, and I greatly value the peace and quiet of the area. This current proposal would be right on the periphery of the Sanctuary. It would utterly alter the landscape of the region and compromise water supply and many other environmental issues.

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    Saleen Hinds 11 months ago

    Small farms, in contrast to large corporate farming, offer a more positive impact on the environment and communities. They use fewer pesticides and herbicides, preserving pollinators. Conservation practices like reduced tillage enhance soil health, reducing erosion. Shorter supply chains cut transportation emissions, and sustainable practices capture carbon. Small farms optimize resource use, while corporate farms overuse resources. Smaller farms are community-focused, creating jobs and supporting local economies. They distribute income equitably, reducing inequality. Small farms prioritize soil health, community, and sustainability. Supporting small farms is vital for a sustainable and equitable agricultural future. - Cyril Hinds, Lake County resident.

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    Matthew Spence 11 months ago

    I oppose granting the Major Use Permit for Commercial Cannabis Cultivation on North Siegler Road in Middletown.

    The proposed cultivation area of 196,020 sf would constitute an industrial agricultural installation that is inconsistent with and would significantly change the ecology of the surrounding untouched rural landscape by:

    • Using vast quantities of water, thereby depleting aquifers
    • Causing 24/7 industrial noise pollution from drying fans
    • Causing industrial-level ecological pollution through the discharge of sediments, pesticides, fertilizers, and petroleum products into the watershed
    • Causing light pollution throughout the night
    • Significantly increasing auto and truck traffic on an unpaved rural road
    • Eroding the community's safety and trust by attracting criminal interest in the area.

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    Michela Barcus 11 months ago

    I am opposed. This project will deplete resources on several levels, create increased fire risk, create noise to an area that for decades has been home to a Spiritual Retreat Sanctuary, bring industry into a rural and quiet residential area, negatively affect the water resources. It really is not appropriate use of this land.

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    tom shannon 11 months ago

    I am very concerned about water usage and water pollution. This operation will severely tax the aquafer. I live near by and rely on well water. We have already experienced lack of water, many times due to the already existing marijuana operations in the area. There is also the mater of noise pollution, increased traffic, and a huge carbon footprint. Please do not allow this operation.
    thank you

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    Sandra Hill 11 months ago

    Think a hundred skunks moving into the area and leaving their penetrating lasting stink, this is what it feels like to have a big grow like near, plus all the depletion of water, chemicals, reduced safety increased activity, lights and noise from fans at night. The smell penetrates into the house, you can not leave windows open to cool house and night so bills increase because you need to keep AC on, cant sit outside much of the growing and drying season. We are barely recovered from the fires, less water will endanger our own supply and fire safety. I was not able to rent my home due to stink. Property values will go down. Please have mercy. If you do not want a grow yourself near you, please do not force others to accept the same. Small grows happen all the time in this area, and I had a illegal grow next to me with 100 plants. I eventually moved. When a new grow started near my burned property later, I decided to sell the property and not built. Its that bad for many of us already.