Agenda Item

6a. 23-1168Consideration of Proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for Approval of Commercial Cannabis Cannabis Cultivation Consisting of 174,240 sf of Outdoor Canopy Located within 196,020 sf Cultivation Area; for Seigler Springs North/Brian Pensack; located at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 and 115-007-06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Emily Grinnell 11 months ago

    I am unable to be present this morning. I have lived around this greater neighborhood since 1975. The introduction of a large cannabis operation will forever mar the character of this beautiful and unspoiled area. It is the site of a meditation Sanctuary that has been there since 1974. Among my main concerns are: I have been informed that they may be misstating the number of plants they intend to grow, that on 88,000 sq ft, they will grow not 2,000, but 20,000 plants. There may be an added criminal element, and certainly the threatening presence of guards; Increased traffic on poor roads; Large grows could seriously deplete the water table, already affected by a local vineyard. Fans will create noise. Lights will create light pollution. The fumes of the cannabis product will carry across the area and possibly affect peoples' health; use of pesticides, fertilizers, and other toxic products will get into streams and the environment. I urge the denial of this use permit. Thank you!

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    Rita Siglain 11 months ago

    I feel that I have to speak up for the zoo that is right in the area proposed for this grow facillity. The zoo stretches for many acres. We have a herd of 15 camels, 10 horses, llamas, and goats. Called Fear-No-More Zoo, it was created in 1974 by Avatar Adi Da Samraj as a place to go to feel how we are all one. The animals at this zoo don't live in cages but live in a happy, free environment. I have served there for many years and I know that depleting the water supply, polluting the air, increasing noise and so on will have a damaging effect on the health and happiness of these animals and on the possibility of sustaining this peaceful place into the future. The world is so terrifying right now for everyone. This zoo, along with the Sanctuary that supports it, is one of the few places on earth where human beings all over the earth can come to let go and feel the Spiritual nature of themselves and all of life. It's a place of Joy and Love. Please don't destroy this.

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    Perry Strauss 11 months ago

    I oppose this project:

    Air Pollution
    Water usage
    Potential criminal activity
    Excess Traffic
    Strain on electric grid
    Pesticide contamination of land and air

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    Daniel Apte 11 months ago

    I oppose the grow permits at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs due to all the problems such an operation is likely to cause such as water depletion, noise, air pollution, watershed damage, and chemical pollution in the ground,

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    Elizabeth DeBrine 11 months ago

    Water usage would be significant and effect our well nearby.

    Rural area asthetics would be effected by air and light pollution, increased traffic and destruction of animal habitates (bear, mountain lions, deer, etc.)
    Attraction of criminal element
    Already have 2 other grow industries on Seigler Springs North Rd.

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    Aimee Kartzman 11 months ago

    This area is already becoming threatened by additional traffic and vulnerable to commercial movements. It is a residential area and should be persevered and protected.

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    Ronld Hudak 11 months ago

    I oppose this because cannabis is very deluding. And I really do want to see it being grown so close to home. May it be so!

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    Darcy Skarada 11 months ago

    I oppose permits at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Kelseyville. We live very near the proposed site. We have already been disturbed by grows not quite as near. Noise at times all day and night prevent enjoyment outside and preclude open windows during sleep. We have also already seen the degredation of the environment due to water usage and replacement of natural countryside with mono-crops. Despite the liabilities of rural living we chose to make our retirement home here due to our overriding desire for quiet and natural habitat. The industrial grow would impact traffic on very vulnerable roads and deprive us of both our priorities in choosing our home location. Please do not allow these permits. Thank you.

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    eliot hurwitz 11 months ago

    I live about 1 mile from the proposed grow site. I first moved to this area in 1981 and retired back here in 2015, only to have my home burn in the Valley Fire. Since 2015 I have been active full time serving the local Cobb Mt. community's efforts to become a sustainable, resilient eco-adapted place, with special attention to the health of our creeks and our limited water resources. I do not oppose all cannabis but I strongly feel that this project is way out of scale and will have a negative cumiulative impact on the local creeks, already under tremendous stress. Climate changes underway will only make this worse. Seigler Creek is one of the creeks important for Clearlake Hitch spawning and any further degradation of its flow will have a negative impact. The project proposes pumping 86K gallons in April, which is key Hitch time. I also note that the project has not consulted with the proper tribal authorities for cultural assessment. All in all a very bad project for this area.

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    eliot hurwitz 11 months ago

    I live about 1 mile from the proposed grow site. I first moved to this area in 1981 and retired back here in 2015, only to have my home burn in the Valley Fire. Since 2015 I have been active full time serving the local Cobb Mt. community's efforts to become a sustainable, resilient eco-adapted place, with special attention to the health of our creeks and our limited water resources. I do not oppose all cannabis but I strongly feel that this project is way out of scale and will have a negative cumiulative impact on the local creeks, already under tremendous stress. Climate changes underway will only make this worse. Seigler Creek is one of the creeks important for Clearlake Hitch spawning and any further degradation of its flow will have a negative impact. The project proposes pumping 86K gallons in April, which is key Hitch time. I also note that the project has not consulted with the proper tribal authorities for cultural assessment. All in all a very bad project for this area.

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    Jan Wennes 11 months ago

    To Whom it May Concern:
    Please do not allow this Permit at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville. I live near this property and am already disturbed by other cannabis cultivation that occurs in the area, such as the fans running late into the night. I moved to Lake County to be in the peace and quite of the countryside. I do not want to live in an industrial center. There will also be traffic impact on a road that is already quite dangerous with a blind corner and an additonal 90 turn on it. We also have seen the impact in this area of industrialization depleting our water supplies. Please do not let this permit. Thank you.

    Thank you.

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    Charles Campbell 11 months ago

    I live close to the proposed cannabis cultivation site in Seigler Springs. I oppose the use permit for these reasons:
    1) Its industrial size.
    2) Its ecological footprint - these grows consume huge amounts of water and electricity
    3) The noise of the huge fans used to dry the cannabis is horrendous.
    4) There is a retreat center on that road, a place hundreds of people come to for meditation retreats - do we really want to subject them to the smell, noise, and other disturbances that large grows create?
    5) The intensive use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals - we've already seen what toxic runoff into Clear Lake has done to this precious resource.
    6) It's a question of the direction we want the county to take - support large operations like this or take care of the natural beauty of the county, and head into the future (a future with many questions about climate, water, etc) with a smarter, big-picture approach?
    Charles F. Campbell
    12200 Shenandoah Rd.

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    Frank Hayes 11 months ago

    I oppose the planned project for approval of commercial cannabis growing. Such a project will threaten the environment, watershed, and resources for the -good people of Lake County. I vote against and hope you will oppose this proposed project as well. Thanks,
    Frank Hayes

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    Iris Harms 11 months ago

    I and a property owner in the area and strongly oppose the planned cannabis cultivation. The use of fertilizer, pesticides, other toxic chemicals and petroleum products pose a risk to the environment and watershed. I really oppose that growing drugs is the best use of our resources and landscape and it is certainly not for the benefit of the community who will loose the sense of safety and trust.
    Iris Harms

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    Jessica Haigh 11 months ago

    • depletion of water (cannabis operation of this size would use a vast quantity of water)
    • grading may cause discharge of sediments into the watershed
    • pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum products used for the operation and trash generated by the operation could make their way into the streams that feed the Sanctuary springs and local watershed
    • poisoning with toxic chemicals
    • light pollution (lights during the night could be seen from the neighboring parcels and the Sanctuary)
    • large cannabis grows have a huge carbon footprint (use of electricity, natural gas, water, fertilizers, greenhouse gas emissions)
    • increased traffic (the project description states that there will several employees on site, with around 11 – 23 daily car trips estimated to the property, including deliveries)
    • cannabis grows may attract criminal element, erode the community's sense of safety and trust
    • guards may intimidate and threaten people who stray near the plantings

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    Pamela Williamson 11 months ago

    I moved to Seigler Springs 28 years ago. I oppose this new cannabis project.

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    Mark Travis 11 months ago

    I live on North Seigler Springs Rd., near the proposed development, and I (as well as my neighbor) am strongly opposed this project, based on the following facts:
    1. The developer has a history of flagrant violations of a previous Use Permit (Vista Farms) that resulted in a Stop Order for illegal grading, etc..
    2. Traffic - We already are impacted by a another very large cannabis operation within a mile of the newly proposed site, (who are already using vast amounts of water and) they have had a substantial impact on local traffic flow - including tractor-trailer and other large delivery trucks. The County does not properly maintain Seigler Springs North Rd. and the width of the road in several blind-curve sections does not comply with County or State standards.
    In the developer’s application, they state the following: “project will include three employees during peak season”. There would be at least 6-10 employees required during peak season, possibly many more.

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    Brenda Yeager 11 months ago

    As a resident of the Siegler Springs area, I oppose this development. Please do not allow a large-scale commercial enterprise to drain our neighborhood’s natural resources & destroy our & our wildlife’s quality of life for their own profit. We already face armed guards at the outdoor grow on Siegler Rd when we drive to visit our friends. Please do not invite even more 24-hour armed security into this quiet community. We have watched our friends squeezed out of their uninhabitable homes after vineyards ran their wells dry. The noise, smell, light pollution, constant activity, drain on our aquifer & loss of open land will significantly negatively impact our wildlife’s delicate ecosystem after wildfire & mar the unique mountain landscape that residents here steward. This also borders Sacred land at the Mountain of Attention, where people gather for meditative retreat—please consider the impact such a grow would have next door to your own Church. I implore you to protect our neighborhood.

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    Thomas McBroom 11 months ago

    Excessive use of water. Borders a religious sanctuary!

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    Nancy Dent 11 months ago

    I live in this neighborhood and am completely opposed to more cannabis production in our area. The water levels are down already, and who knows what kind of chemicals are leaching into the wells. Also the prospect of light pollution with lots of night production or harvesting does not belong in a rural residential neighborhood. Lastly, I used to enjoy walks down the north Seigler Springs Road, but when the last cannabis operation was started, there were guards with rifles and guard dogs inside their gates, and it felt very threatening in what used to be a friendly community! I seriously oppose this move. There must be another way for Lake County to invite new revenue into our county without selling out to more and more cannabis or vineyard development.