Agenda Item

6a. 23-1168Consideration of Proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for Approval of Commercial Cannabis Cannabis Cultivation Consisting of 174,240 sf of Outdoor Canopy Located within 196,020 sf Cultivation Area; for Seigler Springs North/Brian Pensack; located at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 and 115-007-06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Judy Mayjoffo 11 months ago

    The Cobb Mt. area is becoming the new "Mendocino Forest" problem when it comes to marijuana grows; however, in this case it is encroaching on our homes and families. Why does Lake County have to become California's premiere growing area; don't we have enough problems!? Guess we have to become known for something besides our lake...which we should be promoting instead.

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    Steven Claydon 11 months ago

    I can't tell you what a bad idea this is. Already in the area there are grow operations that produce light at night, invite unsavory traffic to the area, have increased vandalism and illegal entry onto private property, noise, and water problems (wells with diminished production). Perhaps most importantly, it creates every kind of issue for The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary relative to privacy, safety, and usage as a place of retreat, meditation, and prayer. Grow operations, no matter how well managed, with gun carrying employees, etc, do not fit with the long standing, quiet, clean, non-invasive, and Holy purposes of the Sanctuary.

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    Mimi Unanue 11 months ago

    I currently own 5 properties in this area and am very concerned about this cultivation proposal. The entire area needs to have a large multiyear water study done before any more cultivation projects are allowed especially ones that consume so much water. The wells in the area are already failing and the water had become increasingly contaminated. Before approval the effects that this and any future projects will have on its neighbors and surrounding area need to be examined. The potential of negative impact on the community needs to be addresses with scientific studies.

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    Lynnzee Elze 11 months ago

    Please please please do not allow this massive cannibis grow to happen in my neighborhood. The environmental impacts could easily be disastrous, affecting water supply and quality in this natural hot springs area, as well as bringing potential criminal elements, increased traffic, and undesirable air quality impacts.

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    Lewis Richardson 11 months ago

    I reside on land adjacent to the land covered in the major use permit. I strongly oppose granting the permit.

    My house uses well water, and the water source could be significantly or entirely depleted by large agricultural use of water via the common aquifer. Toxins from agricultural operations could also get into the aquifer (and be carried in the air to a wide area).

    Such a large commercial agricultural operations would have negative impact on the quality of life and health of the residents in the area and the overall ecology: much more traffic (much of it dirt road, and much of it commercial), noise, clearing and reshaping the land, removal of animal species, need to protect and guard the cannabis.

    This permit request does not benefit the residents nor the ecology of the area.

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    Annie Rogers 11 months ago

    I hope I am not too late as I strongly oppose this proposition. We have so few places left in our county that are natural, quiet, beautiful, and without the intrusion of noise, chemicals, traffic and intense electrical activity. Please disregard this proposition and do not vote it in. We need sanctuary here in Lake County – all of us. We are so fortunate to live away from cities and city life. Let’s not turn Lake County into that. Thank you.

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    Jordan Reyes 11 months ago

    Imposing a commercial cannabis cultivation on Seigler Springs Road in Kelseyville would be detrimental to the health of the surrounding environment. The area runs through shared areas of both Big Valley Rancheria and Middletown Rancheria and to which both have a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer that would need to be consulted with to understand why this area is important to both Tribes. Both Tribes are pushing for safekeeping of the environment to preserve Tribal heritage and knowledge. Increase use in water will have severe impacts on the process of revitalizing ecosystems in the area.

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    Gina Macioce, Occupational Therapist 11 months ago

    The residents in this area already endure, every day, the environmental damage with Snow's Vineyard: pesticides, and the excessive use of water that we don't have the luxury to use. Please do not allow more, large "grow" operations into our neighborhood! I owned property across the street from Snow's Vineyard. Alot of the wildlife was driven out. We also endured the headlights of all their little tractors, spraying the pesticides in the middle of the night, with toxic residue wafting over to our homes. Please don't bring more air pollution into our neighborhood! At the Mountain Of Attention, there are some days where our water reservoir is empty. Please do not allow the excessive use of water to grow more cannabis! At the Mountain Of Attention, we host retreats for interested public and children. Please don't bring a security risk into our neighborhood, or the stench of cannabis. The Mountain Of Attention is on the historic register. Please help us preserve this sacred land.

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    Damon Schoeffler 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose the development of any further cannabis cultivation operations in the Seigler Springs area. Please take into account the well considered opinions of the many long time residents of this county who recognize and cherish it for what it is; a peaceful place.

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    Vicky McKie 11 months ago

    This will significantly increase water, air noise pollution. I believe this indoor operation will be way too large. It likely will have to be guarded against criminals therefore decreasing a sense of peace and security. The increase in traffic will be horrible

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    Blythe Massey 11 months ago

    I live in the Seigler Springs area just down the road from the proposed site for commercial cannabis cultivation. We are already being impacted by recent additional commercial grows to this area: more traffic on a quiet road (that many of us walk on daily), unfriendly security, and most importantly the impact to the watershed and well water. Please do not allow these chemicals and pesticides to tarnish this natural environment, and wildlife, which has been restoring since the 2015 Valley Fire. This peaceful residential area should not have more water depletion, noise pollution, light pollution, and security for commercial cannabis.

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    Paul Augspurger 11 months ago

    I'm extremely opposed. The operation would use lots of water, create noise, pollute the air, have a gigantic carbon footprint, create a disturbing increase in traffic, and may likely attract criminal element and increase vandalism. I live nearby and I say NO.

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    Valerie Ann Baldisserotto 11 months ago

    I lived in the area for the proposed grow operation during the 1980's, and then returned 7 years ago during my retirement for the peace and quiet it offers. Please do not allow this Permit at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road, Kelseyville. I live near this property. The disturbance of previously placed grow operations in the neighborhood upon the environment and the water table is already remarkably negative. This very large operation will have major impact. on an already narrow and dangerous road. Other operations already add too much noise with fans running late into the night. Please do not let this permit. Thank you.

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    jill sanna 11 months ago

    i oppose this consideration because there is another cannabis grow organization in my neighborhood and they race back and forth on the road and also there has been a lot more large delivery trucks and propane trucks and outhouse trucks driving back and forth and literally tearing up the road. There is just a small country road here and it is not made for these large 18 wheelers constant use. Also they seem to be using up a lot more of the underground water, even more than the vineyards. Way out of proportion to all others living here. In addition, the other grow organization located near here has posted very unfriendly guards that are scaring the locals.

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    Jeanne Martin 11 months ago

    I strongly oppose the approval of this proposed Cannabis project. A couple of years ago, my neighbor’s well ( the Adidam Sanctuary), ran dry and they had to dig a much deeper well at great cost. This had never happened in over 40+ years. It was due to the deep unremitting drought the area has been suffering from - a drought that is only going to intensify as global warming intensifies. Another factor was the establishment of a large outdoor marijuana grow and a large vineyard down the road. Please do not approve this project further allowing businesses to draw down the water table at the expense of long term residents.

    This is in an area where many of us regularly walk for exercise. They will no doubt have guard shacks and guards now along that road which is totally intimidating. It's just so destructive to the peace and serenity in this area.

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    Susan Hughes 11 months ago


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    David Rosen 11 months ago

    As a twenty year resident of Lake Count and a homeowner I strongly oppose giving this cannabis business a permit to operate here. First is the fact that such a large growing operation of cannabis will take significant amount of water. Cannabis plants need a lot. This will significantly affect the water table for the residents in the area proposed. We have a few good years of water and then alot of severe drought. Lake County residents the first to priority. I don't believe that the 174,240 sf will be not be accurate. If they get the permits, they will grow much more than that. Cannabis business also always attract a criminal element... even legal businesses. Please, please make Lake County residents priority protect our circumstances first and do not allow such a business to create real difficulties for us.

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    Timothy Toye 11 months ago

    The staff report assumes that the project is going to only grow 2000 cannabis plants at any one time. The hydrology report was based on this amount of growth on the property, and even then, appears to have significant omissions. Yet there is proposed to be 22 hoop houses totaling 88,000 sf. Based on my conversations with professionals in the cannabis industry this is just not remotely believable, and so the staff report is based on an erroneous assumption that the applicant with only grow 2000 plants at any one time.
    As far as monitoring, the applicant, who has a history of not following county regulations relative to the growing of cannabis, is supposed to submit an annual report, and the county may inspect the property once a year, though it also says they may not even do that. This is grossly inadequate to ensure that this project is not detrimental to the local residents.

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    Betty Attardi 11 months ago

    I vehemently oppose the proposed Cannibis Cultivation on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Spring North. There are multiple reasons why this is a disastrous proposal for our area. The monoculture leaches the land; the deep aquifers would suffer as they already are from other grows in our area. So for the sake of the land, water, air and other resources do not permit this mega cultivation to take root here!

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    Alfred Young 11 months ago

    I oppose granting the Major Use Permit for Commercial Cannabis Cultivation on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Spring North.

    I am resident in the area and a member of Adidam, and have enjoyed the peace and sanctity of the Sacred environment at The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, which is located adjacent to this proposed Cannabis Grow-Op. The proposed Cannabis Grow-Op will have a profoundly negative impact on the local community, environment and residents: Large cannabis grows, in combination with the expansion of vineyards in Lake County, deplete water tables and have a large carbon footprint regarding greenhouse gas emissions. As well, fertilizers and chemicals leach into and contaminate groundwater and the natural springs in the Seigler Springs area. For the purpose of creating revenue, Lake County officials must approve permits for commercial cannabis grows in locations that are not adjacent to residential or sacred environments.