Meeting Time: May 09, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

6a. 24-5309:05 AM - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of a proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for commercial cannabis cultivation including 174,240-sf of outdoor cannabis canopy and Type 13 Cannabis Distributor Transport Only, Self-distribution license for cannabis transportation. Applicant: Seigler Springs Holdings, LLC./Brian Pensack; Location: 11615 & 11625 Seigler Springs North, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 & 06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Frank Hayes 4 months ago

    I am very much opposed to an outdoor cannabis canopy so close to the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. It is a most Sacred and Holy Place that needs to be set apart from worldly occupation. Please require the cannabis business to locate elsewhere in Lake County. Sincerely, Frank Hayes

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    William Stranger 4 months ago

    Dear Commissioners,

    With the exception of the three years in which we lived abroad and the two years immediately after our home was burned down in the Valley Fire of 2015, Seigler Canyon has been our home since 1977. Since we returned to Lake County in 2017, my wife and I have been living literally right next to the proposed marijuana grow on Seigler Springs North Road, very near our previous home here. The road itself is one of the few safe, flat, paved roads in the area and virtually every day we enjoy the sight of friends and neighbors walking aornd jogging along it. In essence, this unique stretch of road functions as the local park for people in a part of the county where there are none.

    Why do we live here? For the beauty, the quiet, the immense peace, and for the spiritual power and tranquility of the great Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary that has graced these lands for something like half a century. The prospect of placing a noisy, toxic, water guzzling marijiuana grow installation on a prospect that is both embedded within and overlooking this 1,000 plus acre Sanctuary is almost beyond comprehension. Three key holy sites of Adidam are directly in its sight, one but 200 yards away, two others no more than 250 year distant! I do not see how any responsible government agency could be so dismissive of its citizens and so short sighted in its quest for revenues as to be willing to deface and disturb lands that my friends and I--and many visitors from around the world--have labored so hard, for so long, and at such expense to set aside for the enjoyment and benefit of mankind.

    It is only this year--nearly a decade since the Valley Fire--that significant numbers of deer have returned to populate the area. In fact, the herds seem to live right on site of the proposed grow. They are a welcome presence that do much to enhance the tranquillity of the area.

    Moreover, there is already a large marijuana grow across the street from my home. Shortly after it was established, our well water was cut in half. There is another huge grow half a mile further north on Seigler Springs North Road. It would be irresponsible in the extreme to burden the land with yet more water usage, especially since every assurance I have heard about the impact of these grows has been proven empty. And I'm not even getting to the guns of the armed security on the latter. I IMPLORE YOU ALL TO NOT COMMIT THE TRAVESTY OF APPROVING THIS APPLICATION.
    Sincerely,William Stranger

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    Betty Attardi 4 months ago

    This marijuana grow near a religious Sanctuary is utterly not acceptable for so many reasons. Traffic, water supply, active business activity .
    I totally oppose this.
    Jane Attardi

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    Laura DeBaun 4 months ago

    I am writing to voice my opposition to the • Use Permit UP 21-17. - Cannabis grown on North Seigler Springs Road This land abuts the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary which is a houses a religous life of contemplation retreats.
    The main reason however, is water use. The wells at the Mountain Of Attention ran dry two years ago after a time of drought coupled with heavy water use by another Cannabis Grow on North Seigler Canyon Road. We are surrounded by Cannabis which is not an ethical business model taking into account all the inhabitants and ecology of our local lands.
    Let's please find something better to do with these spaces.

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    Paul Augspurger 4 months ago

    I am a renter on Shawnee Circle, near the proposed grow operation. I am in opposition to the proposed cannabis grow operation, as it will increase traffic and noise, likely cause pollution of the local watershed (because of pesticides, fertilizers, etc.), and generally cause disturbances to the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, where I frequently go on retreat. No on the grow operation!

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    James Steinberg 4 months ago

    I am a property owner just down the street on Shenandoah Circle from the proposed operation, and have lived in Lake County since 1976. I am shocked to hear of this proposed commercial operation. This operation threatens my water supply, that of the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, and our entire neighborhood. Already there has been an impact from the previously approved large commercial grow that is on the Seigler Springs North Road. This is, in my understanding, an even larger proposed grow with a footprint that will undermine our neighborhood. As a commercial operation that has nothing to do with living in the county, I feel that it does not truly care about the quality of life here in the County. . I depend on the quiet and sanity of local residents. For commercial interests to be moving here in what is an industrial grow fashion, makes me fear for our continued use. The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, which has been there since 1974, is a meditation retreat and requires quiet. It brings a benign and healing energy to the County. I have seen it bring much good to so many people. This commercial grow is a direct threat to the Sanctuary, where I lived for nearly 20 years. I feel it would be incredibly short-sighted to not feel that however this commercial grow may match a carefully worded letter of the law, it will in spirit undermine and potentially destroy long established use in this part of the County, in ways that may be irreparable. Please do not approve this proposal.

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    Steve Alexander 4 months ago

    I am a 35 + year resident of Lake County and a homeowner within 2 miles of the proposed operation. I noticed a change in quality of life since the introduction of commercial cannabis operations in recent years. There is already increased traffic, noise, harsh light, not to mention the feeling of seeing wire fences, surveillance. I do not want to see this progress even more. I attended the last hearing out of concern that this operation would move forward and am dismayed that the force of opposition communicated at that time did not put an end to this.

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    Rosamond Groves 4 months ago

    This operation wiould be a major disturbance to the very quiet neighborhood on Seigler Springs North Rd.There would no doubt be a lot of truck traffic and massive water usage which is already challenged by the vineyards
    Please do not approve this or any other commercial operation in this area

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    Walter Muszynski 4 months ago

    As a property owner in Lake County, 20-year resident of the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary and someone who fought the Valley Fire on the Sanctuary, I am acutely aware of the need to protect the precious water source throughout the County and on the Sanctuary. With the predicted future of droughts directing water resources to grow what is still an illegal product (at least Federally) for the benefit of people who do not even live in Lake County seems very ill advised. Additionally, I am also aware of the sanctity of the Sanctuary and how an industrial operation, such as this cannabis grow, can have on the area's tranquility. There are other cannabis grows in the area that are driving residents out of their homes because of the disruptive nature of the business. This includes water shortage issues, noise and, in some cases, the quality of an armed camp. I am reminded of the movie "It’s A Wonderful Life" when the main character is thrust into an alternative world of "Pottersville" where greed created a town that became unlivable for its good residents. Why cannot Lake County be noted for its tranquility and Faith Based churches, centers and sanctuaries rather than for the production of products, which I have experienced as stimulating the more indulgent qualities of humans nature? The Mountain Of Attention not only provides a profound place of retreat encouraging the highest form of human growth and development for Lake County church members but it has attracted, for 50 years, people from every continent to immerse themselves in the empowered Sacred Lands of The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary. I plead with the Lake County Planning Department and the Lake County Planning Commission to consider even more carefully the negative impact of this cannabis grow and support what is good and right and sacred by rejecting the permit application for this cannabis grow.

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    Johnson David 4 months ago

    Dear reader
    It has come to my attention that there might be a large cannibas growing operation near the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. As a longtime resident near there, I am concerned for the preservation of the peacefulness, safety and environmental natural beauty and purity of this area. I know all too well that a big commercial operation like the one proposed can severely affect the serenity of the area by the increase of traffic. Also, the Valley Fire of 1015 brought to the spotlight the fact that this area is a high risk fire zone. Not only that, but the water in the area is very precious in fighting these fires and serving the residents of this area. Just because we had a great wet year this past winter does not mean that the water table in our area has been replenished from these past years of drought. Quite the contrary. And these large commercial agricultural operations use huge amount of water, threatening local residents' wells and the already-depleted water table, in general. A friend of mine a few years ago lost her home because a large grape-growing operation moved in near her home and sucked her well dry. She had no recourse to sell the home that she had lived in for years, to sell it to the very winery that took her water "legally". She had to move away.
    I believe we ALL have to protect the environment, and I am also concerned about the large agricultural operation tainting the scarce and valuable pure water we use ...with the chemicals of their operation. This must not happen...,.and I am skeptical of any means of preventing this except by not allowing it in the first place. Enforcement of proper protective protocols usually are engaged,if at all, after the damages are done....and that is wholly inadequate for the safety and purity of the water and environment, in general, imo.
    Please consider the elements noted in this letter. I am concerned for the safety of the people here and the environment......and not for the safety of a financial profit.
    Thank you.

    David Johnson

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    Jessica Haigh 4 months ago

    I have lived near the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary for over 20 years. It is a very precious place not only for me but many others. I oppose this cannabis grow because I feel it will have a negative impact on the fragile environment and water supplies in the area. The use of pesticides and fertilizers can contaminate the environment around the Sanctuary and nearby neighborhoods. I am also concerned that people's safety in the area will be compromised. Marijuana is not like growing pears, and there is the danger that comes with such a valuable crop being grown and at hand. This may undermine the safety and peacefulness in our neighborhood. Jessica Haigh

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    Malgorzata Zuk 4 months ago

    The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary is my spiritual home. I come there often for prayer and meditation and enjoy the contemplative nature of this place. I am proud to see how much care and love goes into preserving it for the sake of everyone who wants to come there and participate. I oppose UP 21-17 because of the disturbance and intrusion a commercial activity would have on the Sanctuary and the neighborhood.

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    Rick Evans 4 months ago

    I live nearby and there are many reasons to oppose this idea. A grow operation uses vast amounts of water which is precious around here and we need to safeguard its quality and availability to local residents. There are other inevitable changes that occur - damage to the environment, NOISE pollution, guard dogs, weapons - which are not compatible with the wonderful contemplative atmosphere we have in this part of Lake County

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    D Hal 4 months ago

    Once again residents of Lake County must protect their neighborhoods and quality of life because a developer has decided incorrectly that this area is uninhabited and in the 'boonies'. But this is further from the truth. This is a 40-plus year's established neighborhood and includes a world-renowned Retreat Sanctuary. It is also inhabited by people that know and understand the impact of a large scale cannabis grow. I won't try and address the environmental and other issues of this grow, which are numerous and will be covered by other residents, specialists, and consultants. But rest assured, this area and neighborhood is a VERY active, involved and informed population, and will not tolerate another end run on this incursion and disregard for quality of life and land.

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    Shasta McBride 4 months ago

    I oppose this proposed cannabis farm. I am a local resident within walking distance to this land. I do not feel Lake County has enough water to sustain another cannabis grow in an already cannabis-saturated and vineyard-saturated locale. I do not feel the county is considering the water now and into the future during this intense time of climate change. I also feel like the cannabis industry is saturated and many many cannabis farms up here have closed up shop in recent years because it's too hard to make a good living this way. Why would another farm want to go in when so many have failed and left the area? This is a peaceful and quiet spot with spiritual sanctuaries, wildlife, and quiet living. I do not feel a cannabis grow would add to this community. Thanks.

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    Bonnie Mehrbach 4 months ago

    I oppose this proposed Use Permit for the development of this cannabis operation. I live 5 minutes from the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary and go there regularly for religious purposes. I often walk along the North Road for exercise and recreation. The entire area is sacred space - quiet and peaceful, full of wildlife and fresh air. As a homeowner here, I am concerned about the noise level, the threat to the natural habitat, the drain on water supplies, the appearance of armed guards driving along the North Road where many walk, and an overall disturbance to the life I value so deeply here in Lake County.

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    Amy Jacob 4 months ago

    I live on the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary which is very close to the proposed site. The Sanctuary is a sacred land where serious spiritual practice has been happening for over 50 years now. It would be a severe disruption of the entire peaceful community and a disservice for all. Please consider the state of the world we are living in right now and it's extreme need for communities of like. Thank you.

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    tom shannon 4 months ago

    I live at 12040 Seigler Springs North road. Just down the road from the proposed growth. This operation would be very detrimental to the surrounding properties, because of high water use, fertilizers and pesticides getting into the water, and increased traffic and noise, to name a few.
    Please deny this proposal.
    thank you

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    Indigo Perry 4 months ago

    I OPPOSE this move for several reasons. (1) Water is already precious commodity up here. (2) There are already several grow operations in this area, we don't want another one. (3) Grow operations bring increased guns, guard dogs and suspicion into the area, making them un-neighborly. (4) Statistics already prove that cannabis has flooded the markets in California, making it a dying industry. (5) Current grow operations severely mar the landscape. (6) We don't want Lake County to be known as a major grow area, we want it to be known as a beautiful, peaceful, tourist destination. (7) Fans, ATVs and other equipment bring major noise pollution into an area where retreats are ongoing.

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    Rick Brenner 5 months ago

    I can't tell if my previous comments worked. It might have failed. I can't type it all over again!
    I OPPOSE for many reasons.
    Thanks, Rick