Meeting Time: May 09, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

6a. 24-5309:05 AM - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of a proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for commercial cannabis cultivation including 174,240-sf of outdoor cannabis canopy and Type 13 Cannabis Distributor Transport Only, Self-distribution license for cannabis transportation. Applicant: Seigler Springs Holdings, LLC./Brian Pensack; Location: 11615 & 11625 Seigler Springs North, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 & 06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Aura Bakker 4 months ago

    I am the district music teacher for the elementary schools and the CEO of a non-profit organization that hosts retreats for families with children of all ages at the Moutnain Of Attention Sanctuary –which is adjacent to the property where the grow is being proposed.
    At these retreats, we meditate together, spend a lot of contemplative time in nature, in the waters on the property, and with the herd of camels. This is a very happy time for these families (who come from all around the world) to get time away from the day-to-day hustle and bustle of their busy lives to the contemplative time of quiet and depth with each other and nature. It is a very replenishing time for them, and a uniquely beautiful and peaceful, spiritual place for them to visit. The meditative atmosphere is crucial for their experience.
    Thank you for your consideration!

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    Robert Shaffer 4 months ago

    To whom it may concern:

    As a resident of the Seigler Springs area on Seigler Springs North Road, I want to give my input to the consideration of a large cannabas grow operation immediately north of the Adidam property at Seigler Springs.

    Many vineyards and cannabas operations have set up in this area in recent years. These are heavy water users. The aquifer we use, which has been reliable for many years, is reaching its limit and beginning to show signs of overuse. Rainfall in Northern California is becoming less reliable, as shown by the multi-year drought before last year.

    Expanded demands on this aquifer will have significant negative impacts on existing residents, including the Adidam retreat center at Seigler Springs. The proposed project will also create additional traffic and noise, as well as pollution, in this quiet, secluded neighborhood.

    The Adidam facility has occupied this site for fifty years. For centuries humans have come to the natural hot springs here as a center for healing. To damage this resource in the name of short term extractive profits would be a tragedy and a travesty.

    Please do not approve the major cannabis operation at 11625 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road.

    Best regards,
    Robert Shaffer

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    Jake Siglain 4 months ago

    From my perspective--as someone who has lived in Lake County for over 30 years, raised a family here, rebuilt a home destroyed by the Valley Fire--this area is sacred land and needs to be preserved as such. We already have two grow operations and a huge vineyard near my home and right next door to the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. That is more than enough. It will destroy the area to have another grow house. There's already plenty of drugs out there for anybody who wants them.

    Part of my ancestry is Native American, and we have had almost all our land stolen since the time of the railroad, and it's about time this ended.

    Preserving wildlife, the water supply, and the environment is much more important than having another drug operation.

    Corporate greed has been poisoning our world for a long time and enough is enough.

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    Bruce Herzbach 4 months ago

    I OPPOSE the proposed grow operation. From the deepest place in my being, I oppose it. I lived by the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary from 2007-2013, and I visit there to see friends and to attend retreats. I'm looking to return there to live. Lake County is home for me. And not just around this particular land, but the county altogether.

    For all the reasons everyone has mentioned--and more--this grow must not be approved. Truly. Is not the quality of life in Lake County--and in particular, certain areas that have been long established as places of sacred retreat, renewal, beacons of everything good and positive for indeed the whole County and beyond ... is not this essential, even urgent to maintain, protect and preserve?

    I respectfully and directly ask each of the individual members of the Planning Commission to seriously consider: What if you and your family lived very close to, or even right next to, such an operation as is being proposed? I mean, really--what does this mean to each of you--individually, and very personally?? For the sake of anything and everything worth saving in this world--and in real service to the residents/voters/taxpayers of Lake County--it is a moral, human, heart-imperative that each of you approach this decision not only in terms of financial possibility, but with a deep sense of the responsibility to use the wisdom and power of your office to advocate for the well-being of many hundreds of individuals who call this place home, as well as many who pilgrimage to the Sanctuary every year.

    I imagine that many if not all of you have experienced the truth that when one acts in accordance with what is right, goodness is returned. Literally everyone I have ever met will attest to this. It just seems to be the way things work. So please know that to shut down the possibility of this grow operation will not only be of incalculable value to the many hundreds of whom I speak, and to the attendant sacred lands and animals, but to each of you as well--individually, and personally. I thank you for the wisdom and courage to make the right choice. These are not just words: Seriously, thank you.

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    Judy Mayjoffo 4 months ago

    Lake County has struggled with its image for years. Are we now to become known as the 4th member of the Emerald Triangle? My family and I have lived in the same home just a couple miles from this proposed operation for 39 years. It appears that we are surrounded on all sides by marijuana grows of one size or another. Regarding water, we almost lost our home in the Valley fire and I believed that Lake County learned a lesson during that time regarding supply, preservation and availability of our water supplies. I've also been here long enough to remember the Snow Lake disputes regarding water and the subsequent court battles. I also concur with those who mention the odor from ripening marijuana. Prior to and during harvesting our Lake county "perfect" air quality is ruined by the pungent smells of ripening product, and some people find it nauseating. Yes, there are vineyards all over Lake County, who knows what effects even they have on the earth and water, but at least they don't stink. Cobb Mt. And its surrounding neighborhoods are more populated than some think, and we need our unpolluted natural resources. I oppose this large scale operation in this area.

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    Sherri Nesson 4 months ago

    I do semi-regular service on the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary on a semi-regular basis. I enjoy the contemplative environment for my practice and service. This contemplative environment created at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary is shared by locals and other visitors. This operations would devastate the equanimity of the area, including noise and smell caused by the operation, which is already negatively affecting the area from nearby cannabis operation.

    I am also concerned about the safety and sacred environment of the residents of the Fear-No-More Zoo. This area is along N. Seigler Canyon Rd. I’ve been a long-time patron of the Fear-No-More Zoo and have been allowed to visit a few times, as recently as June 2023 with my family. I experienced the peacefulness of this place, while visiting the Camels.

    Also, the increased traffic that would end up going through the Sanctuary property. This would also affect the contemplative environment and also cause concern for pedestrian traffic, who are not used the road getting much use.

    A number of years ago there was a concern that the water supply used by the Mountain Of Sanctuary was running dry. They were able to find another source that was more abundant and have been using that source since. I am concerned that large cannabis grows could cause a depletion of water of the Sanctuary water source. Along with that, I am also concerned about pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum products used for the operation and trash, generated by the operation that could make their way into the streams that feed the Sanctuary springs and local watershed

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    Robert DeLollis 4 months ago

    I am a property owner close by on Shenandoah Rd.. I first came to this area in 1974. Geothermal development almost took over this area - now Commercial Growing Operations are starting to appear and will affect the area negatively.
    If you look at the location proposed for this new Cannabis Grow, if you consider the water table, if you look at the poorly maintained and narrow roads in the area - it is obvious that this is a very bad idea. I am sure the Planning Department will not allow this to happen - I think them in advance.

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    Jeanne Martin 4 months ago

    I am very concerned about the proposed marijuana grow near the Mountain of Attention. The last two years have seen abnormal amounts of rainfall which have helped the well situation but prior to this, the wells were getting quite low. The Mountain of Attention had to drill a much deeper well, at great cost, than the one they had been using for 40+ years. We have every reason to expect that droughts will return in the following years. Are we going to run out of water because entrepreneurs are going to take it all and get weathy while ordinary citizens have to import water? How fair is that?
    I am also concerned with the traffic on the roads in the area if there is a large grow operation. This is a beautiful area where many people take walks as the road is one of the few flat spots in the area. It is a gorgeous place and will certainly be spoiled with trucks moving in and out, guards being posted and lights over the grow. This is what happened with a grow further down North Seigler road. It was intimidating to walk in the area after the grow was set up. Tall fences, guards, lights at night. These grows are big operatons and require a lot of security.
    Which brings up the element of crime that is attracted to these grows; otherwise why would they need so much security? There are a number of houses in this area plus the residents and retreatants on the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. This grow would be very close. Surely there are more remote areas of Lake County where residents would not be affected by such an operation.

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    Rita Siglain 4 months ago

    My husband and I have been homeowners for many years, very close to the property in question and we have raised a child here. We were planning to pass on our quiet, lush property to our daughter and children when we die. But like many other residents of Lake County we’ve talked with, if this operation is allowed and there is a water shortage and the water becomes toxic, it will no longer be possible for us or our families to live here, and many longtime families in Lake County will move from the area.

    I’d like to mention another factor that is of great concern. For the last 10 years I have managed the kitchen facilities on the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary that feeds healthy, organic, vegetarian meals to residents and to the hundreds who come all year from all over the world. We use only purified water, which we regularly get tested, and we have recently constructed a greenhouse to grow vegetables that depend on pure water. The kitchen building and greenhouse is right on N. Seigler Canyon Road. If the water is made toxic, we will no longer be able to feed people.

    And lastly, I have volunteered for many years at the world-renowned Zoo along N. Siegler Mtn. Road that has been in existence since 1974. It is called Fear-No-More Zoo. We now have many horses, goats, llamas, and a herd of 15 two-humped Bactrian camels. People come all year (by invitation only) for visits from all over Lake County and the world to see these amazing animals and to witness their peacefulness. The animals depend on non-toxic water, grass, and other foliage, and we are just about to start growing our own hay to save money. If the area becomes short of water and toxified, the animals cannot live here--and this beautiful Zoo will not be sustainable. That is not right, and I will do everything I can to stop this from happening. It is not right to destroy sacred environments and wildlife, and this Zoo and animals were here first! In 1989 we brought the first camel all the way from the London Zoo to live in this peaceful environment. They’ve had babies who have also had babies, and they should be able to live on this land forever undisturbed by human greed. Please visit to see photos and how awesome the Zoo is. Thank you for your full consideration. Please do not let this happen.

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    Elizabeth DeBrine 4 months ago

    I have lived on the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary for many years.
    The proposed cannibis farm would greatly affect Seigler Spring Creek water supply for fire safety and natural beauty for the Sanctuary.
    Concerned about more traffic on a narrow road that many nearby residents use for walking and running.
    Disturbing Native American land and relics.
    Strong potential of destroying natural animal hatitat for bears, mountain lions, deer, wild turkeys, and bobcats.
    Use of pesticides, feritlizers, and waste wiill destroy wildlife in streams and groundwater.

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    Rachel LaMell 4 months ago

    Having lived on this sacred ground very close to this proposed area, I oppose the proposed grow operation for all the reasons already listed - environmental, water use, safety issues, sacredness, fire safety. It is not the best use of this land or the best option for economic growth for Lake County. Or for the quality of life we want to see in this area. I suggest coming up with alternative options which support the sacredness of the land and the quality of life of the neighbors as well as coming up with cooperative livelihoods rather than profit first. I vote no for this!

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    Melani Jordan 4 months ago


    I am appalled that this matter was not rejected out of hand after the last hearing presenting completely compelling opposition.

    I am a landowner in proximity to the proposed grow operation. I oppose it on the basis of monoculture, water scarcity in a high wildfire-prone area, environmental concerns, noise pollution, traffic and disruption to the sanctity of life in this area.

    When commercial concerns are put above the well-being of community, environment and quality of life it is a sign that local government is not functioning. Please dismiss this proposed permit once and for all.

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    Leslie Waltzer 4 months ago

    Dear Persons,

    As a Sierra Club member, a former home owner in Lake County and a devotee of Adi Da Samraj, I strongly oppose the use of the land at 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs North for cannabis, growing, distribution and transportation. This operation would greatly impact the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. Water usage, truck noise, and traffic so close to what is now a place of refuge for devotees and public friends would severely compromise both the natural environment and the peacefulness of this place of meditation and Indian Holy Ground. Thank you for your consideration.

    Leslie Waltzer

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    Susan Hughes 4 months ago

    Lake Co doesn't need another POT FARM, how about more Restaurants????? WATER WILL BE A MAJOR ISSUE AND DON'T NEED THE TRAFFIC OR NOISE IN OUR COUNTRY

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    Chris Shanney 4 months ago

    As a former homeowner in the Shenandoah  sub-division and having a forty +
    year history with the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary and retreat center, I am
    strongly opposed to this proposed grow operation for many of the reasons well
    described by others here and evident in the already operational marijuana farms in the
    immediate area:
    * significantly increased traffic in a rural and peaceful area,
    * noise pollution 
    * the strong smells associated with such operations for much of
    the year
    * the impact on the water table

       The Mountain of Attention Retreat Center has been a refuge for hundreds over 45 years and this is a serious threat to the peaceful nature of it as a retreat center and place of worship.It is refreshing to see so many advocates for an understanding of Sacred Lands.

    These are not small farms but large scale industrial operations that are not environmentally sustainable and create
    demonstrative harm for  those who buy homes in a quiet rural circumstance. and those who choose to worship here. One wonders,why, with all the land in the county, why such a site would be chosen in the first place

    Please do not approve this proposal !

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    Paul Edoka 4 months ago

    The water coming from Cobb Mountain, and the surrounding area, is the headwater for all of Clear Lake. Significant man-made intrusions on this delicate and ancient ecosystem have serious repercussions. As many have stated, this area is already filled with many monoculture megalithic farms that pull the precious resources from our beautiful natural environment and give little back in return. I heartedly oppose the Major Use Permit for this cannabis grow and hope our county will respect the land and the many residents who have spoken up to turn it down.

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    Sandra Hill 4 months ago

    I have lived near The Mountain of Attention since 1991 and owned property there. I, and many others know from experience what it is like to live near a grow operation. First of all, the smell of the grow is really bad for months on end. I call it "Stinkville". When you need windows to be open to air out the house and enjoy the beauty of where you live and sit outside, I found I cannot do this because of the overwhelming smell. And then traffic increases, shady characters arrive and barking dogs (this is my personal experience). Please do not allow this grow here. This land is sacred. Thank you.

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    Darcy Skarada 4 months ago

    OPPOSITION TO Use Permit UP 21-17 Cannabis Grow

    • This proposed grow borders on the NE side of our property.
    • We chose this property as our retirement home for its quiet and peaceful natural environment.
    • We have already experienced long ongoing periods of noise from grows much further from us that prevent us from enjoying our outside space and from having windows open during the cool night hours.
    • The relatively low traffic and road noise with undisturbed wildlife that we so valued in choosing our property is threatened by the proposed grow site.
    • We have a 700 ft well. Due to iron and other mineral excess, we needed to install 10K$ worth of filtration on our property to create usable water. The proposed use for this site represents a serious threat to the ground water on which we depend in order to live here.
    • We enjoy a serene forest walk in very fresh air above the proposed site. A large grow below it would permanently alter that.

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    Sylvie Grondin 4 months ago

    I vote DEFINITELY NOT... this area is reserved for peace and spiritual retreat and needs to be protected as such and reserved for long time residents to potentially caretake this land with higher goals and outcomes beneficial to all.

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    Kouraleen MacKenzie 4 months ago

    My husband and I live immediately adjacent to the proposed marijuana grow. In fact, it is right in the middle of the holy spiritual Sanctuary that drew us to Lake County back in 1977. There is already a big marijuana grow across the street the mars the landscape. And there is ANOTHER grow one-half mile down our road to the north. TRAFFIC! Noisy traffic. Men with guns on their hips. That marijuana grow has dramatically affected our well, which pumps less than half the water than before they showed up. But this grow is even worse. It overlooks three Holy Sites where we worship, our public retreat center which hosts religious pilgrims who come here from all over the world, our set aside lands for non-human creatures (principally horses and camels) that are a key part of our spiritual mission, and the Holy Site perhaps two hundred yards to the south where we celebrate sacred ceremonies outdoors. This proposed 'grow' will absolutely destroy our environment, our water wells and the peace of our valley . . . In no way should this be allowed to go forward. I will do everything I can to make sure that this 'grow' does not happen. Enough with short sighted, money grubbing fealty to DRUGS at the expense of all human values!!! This is the kind of aggressive, community destroying, soulless enterprise that is destroying our culture.