Meeting Time: May 09, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

6a. 24-5309:05 AM - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of a proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-17), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-18), for commercial cannabis cultivation including 174,240-sf of outdoor cannabis canopy and Type 13 Cannabis Distributor Transport Only, Self-distribution license for cannabis transportation. Applicant: Seigler Springs Holdings, LLC./Brian Pensack; Location: 11615 & 11625 Seigler Springs North, Kelseyville (APNs 115-007-03 & 06)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Steven Brown 4 months ago

    I used to grow cannabis commercially and know exactly what the consequences are. It will destroy the environment with its industrial activities, deplete the precious water table, toxify the natural balance of things with its fertilizations, disrupt the wildlife and wreak havoc for local residents. This entire industry is based on greed and exploitation. It is beyond alarming such an enterprise is being proposed for this pristine natural environment. I raise my voice from the rooftop with the strongest shout possible in opposition to this project.

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    Shawn Lipscomb 4 months ago

    As a resident on Seigler Mountain, I oppose the Major Use Permit (UP 21-17) for a Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Business in my neighborhood! I feel strongly that a commercial business such as this will irrevocably change the natural environment and destroy the ecology and beauty of our natural forest wildland and negatively affect it’s inhabitants, both wildlife and human! My neighbors and I work actively together with the Seigler Springs Firewise Community to protect and preserve this wildland area, because we love living in the serenity and beauty of this natural mountain forest environment, so we do not want a commercial business to forever change this natural environment by encroaching upon the natural balance here by destroying the forest and displacing the wildlife, by endangering the existing aquifer, springs and creeks with polluting chemicals, fertilizers and waste waters, as well as bringing more noisy trucks and traffic to our narrow winding mountain roads, such as North Seigler Road, Loch Lomond Road, and Seigler Canyon Road which will deteriorate the road themselves, endanger wildlife and our neighbors who enjoy frequent walks with their dogs along North Seigler Road, and impact these roads that are used by our Firefighters and First Responders and that are also our only routes of evacuation in case of wildfires! As a retired public school teacher who drove to work and back everyday along these roads, I would not like to see more commercial trucks frequently using these routes, it would not be advisable and would create less safety for everyone! In addition, this proposed commercial cannabis business which would border the lands of the largest and oldest nonprofit retreat sanctuary in the area, would definitely impact the beauty, serenity, contemplation, and the restorative and natural healing process of retreating from the business of the world, as well as impacting the preservation and protection of this historic sanctuary and the ancient native hot springs there! For all the same reasons that I have enumerated above, we cannot let a major use permit for a commercial cannabis cultivation business go forward, because it is not a fair trade for all that would be lost in the wake of such an intrusion on all our natural environmental resources and the preservation of our communities and neighborhoods as themselves a meaningful resource and active force for the future protection and prosperity of the area!

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    Paula Stryker 4 months ago

    I strongly oppose the addition of another commercial cannabis operation in Lake County! This business is poised to exploit the natural resources of our beautiful area and the peaceful living circumstance so desirable and necessary for community life and what will it give back to our community? Water resources are already stretched in part by pre-existing cannabis operations within 2-3 miles of my home and and will threaten the quality and supply of water that serves my neighborhood and that directly serves the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. Please consider the long-tern development of this precious community and protect it from businesses whose interest is personal financial gain at our expense.
    Thank you for your time,
    Paula Stryker

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    Gina Macioce, Occupational Therapist 4 months ago

    Dear Lake County Community Servers,
    I strongly oppose the addition of this large cannabis grow on North Seigler Canyon Road. I am very concerned about all the pesticides and other toxic chemicals that will be sprayed. I used to own a property directly adjacent to Snow's Lake Vineyard on Perini Road here in Lake County. They were constantly spraying toxic chemicals in the middle or the night with all their small tractors. The headlights would shine into my home at night. I became symptomatic, with odd joint pains, and went for an industrial toxin test. I tested in the 95th percentile for glyphsate residue in my body. Please protect the citizens in this community. Do not bring more toxic industry into our beautiful community here. Please preserve our health, and the land. This grow is not to be here. Thank you for your service, Gina Macioce, Occupational Therapist for Middletown School District.

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    Pi Stryker 4 months ago

    Cannabis operations of this size disrupt the delicate ecosystem, leach toxic chemicals into the surrounding water supply, destroy necessary habitat for the local wildlife and change the quality of the community overall. They turn a serene, natural environment into an active, commercial zone complete with increased traffic, armed guards and oppressive security. There are already two very extensive cannabis grow facilities in the area that have a significant impact on the overall quality of this rural residential neighborhood. The fact that there is no legal limit established by the federal government for the use of pesticides in cannabis cultivation is alarming and of utmost concern. Add to this the toll that will result on an already over taxed water supply…the amount of water needed for a project this size is massive. This uniquely beautiful area along Seigler Mountain is no place for yet another under regulated commercial facility. The pristine natural beauty and serenity of Lake County needs to be defended and preserved for future generations…once compromised there is no going back. I strongly urge the committee to deny this application.

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    Lynne Wagner 4 months ago

    To the Lake County Planning Commission:
    A commercial cannabis operation will introduce numerous undesirable elements into the pristine beauty of the area around the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, which has been set apart as a Sacred meditation and retreat facility and is used by hundreds of Lake County residents and visitors from around the world. As a property owner and caretaker of the Sanctuary I ask that you please deny this use permit.

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    Lynne Wagner 4 months ago

    To the Lake County Planning Commission:
    A commercial cannabis operation will introduce numerous undesirable elements into the pristine beauty of the area around the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, which has been set apart as a Sacred meditation and retreat facility and is used by hundreds of Lake County residents and visitors from around the world. As a property owner and caretaker of the Sanctuary I ask that you please deny this use permit.

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    Emily Grinnell 4 months ago

    I have lived on Seigler Springs Road North. as well as in the immediate area, for the better part of 49 years. I, and many in the area, go on retreat at the Sanctuary on Seigler Springs North frequently and visit there as often as we can. Seigler Springs is an historical hot springs resort dating back to the 1870s, and the many hot springs on the property were used by Native Americans before it became a resort. This Sanctuary, established in 1974, is a retreat destination for members from all over the world, and a place of contemplation. The greater neighborhood is residential and is also very quiet-- a good place to raise a family or to retire.
    Adding a grow operation would devastate this neighborhood. Greatly increased traffic (an extra 11-23 trips a day) over the narrow, winding road would endanger pedestrians and local traffic. Depletion and degradation of the water supply will certainly occur, along with added noise and light pollution. The Sanctuary lost several buildings in the Valley Fire, and narrowly escaped complete destruction. Our fire zone is rated "very high risk", and the grow operation would both deplete water and possibly elevate the risk of actually starting a fire -- through inattention, cigarettes, or possibly even retaliation by outside criminal elements!
    There is a reasonable chance that a grow will increase the criminal element in the greater residential area, and the addition of armed guards intended to repulse thieves is also unnerving, and potentially dangerous for locals! If criminals can't get at the cannabis due to armed guards, they might resort to breaking into local homes or stealing vehicles.
    I urge the County to deny this application. This is a residential, and rural area, that includes a 50-year-old retreat Sanctuary. The greater area has basically been unchanged since at least 1974.
    We are privileged to live in an incredibly beautiful County, with great air quality, and many remaining natural areas. We should aim to preserve the wonderful qualities that we love, and that are also loved by tourists!

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    Timothy Toye 4 months ago

    Lake County must preserve and protect what it has that is precious, which is its natural environment and people. Essential to this is our water, especially because we have no rain for half the year and we are subject to regular droughts. Well professionals will tell you: water levels in Lake County have been consistently dropping over recent years, causing wells to dry up and encumbering residents with additional expense. Allowing development without clear and obvious surety that the water resource right next to a historically, and presently sacred site such as Seigler Springs is not going to be compromised, would be foolish. The applicant has significantly under-reported the amount of plants that will be grown in the project and the water usage, despite being made well aware of this, without any attempt at correction. They have not met the standard of protection of our natural environment that we must require for new development in our county, especially on this industrial-level scale. They have not done a full protocol-level botanical survey as required by CDFW. They do not deserve and should not receive approval. Please preserve and protect what we have for current and future generations.

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    Lewis Richardson 4 months ago

    I live on North Seigler Springs Rd., near the proposed development. Altogether the preceding comments have described the many limitations and negative impacts of such a project on the area. Given all that, I likewise strongly oppose this project. The only one benefiting from the project is the developer, not the community. We should not allow access to our community resources for no benefit to the community.

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    Wendy Weiss 4 months ago

    Dear Planning Commission of Lake County, I strongly oppose the proposed project to grow cannabis on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs Road. My spiritual practice is based at the Mountain of Attention and it is a very sacred place for residents, neighbors, and visitors to the Sanctuary. This large cannabis operation would jeopardize the contemplative environment created at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary. I am very concerned for the negative impact this operation would have including the increase in noise and traffic, the potential harm to the water supply and the effects from that on plant life, animal life, and human life, the concerns for fire safety, and the fact that it would completely change the natural beauty and environment of the Sanctuary life, and the life of our our neighbors. Large cannabis operations should not be in such close proximity to residential areas that are dependent on clean and available water. Perhaps even more importantly, large cannabis operations should not be in such close proximity that it negatively impacts the quality of the sacred life and environment of a spiritual Sanctuary. Please do not approve the major cannabis operation at 11625 and 11625 Seigler Springs North Road. Thank you, Wendy Weiss

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    Iris Harms 4 months ago

    I oppose the proposed project to grow cannabis on 11615 and 11625 Seigler Springs Road. The cannabis growing will deplete the valuable water resources, which will have a negative effect on the watershed and will increase the fire risk. The use of toxic chemicals, pesticide needed to grow commercial marijuana will also have a negative impact on the local watershed. The cannabis operation will significantly increase pollution, toxin, carbon footprint. In addition, since cannabis is drug with negative effects on the health and well-being of people, the operation will negatively impact the community.
    Iris Harms
    Resident of Shenandoah Road.

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    Mark Travis 4 months ago

    Dear Planning Commissioners,

    I live on North Seigler Springs Rd., near the proposed development, and I (as well as my neighbor) am strongly opposed this project, based on the following facts, and more:

    1. Fact: The developer has a history of flagrant violations of a previous Use Permit in Burns Canyon (Vista Farms) that resulted in a Stop Order for illegal grading, failure to properly insure against environmental damage, and housing illegal workers in a non-residential building, amongst other things. Why should we expect anything different a second time around?
    Additionally, the developer said he is only getting property to get a permit and then immediately sell it, see: - so he won’t even be the grower.

    2. Fact: Traffic - We are already impacted by a another very large cannabis operation within a mile of the newly proposed site, (who are already using vast amounts of water and) they have had a substantial impact on local traffic flow - including tractor-trailer and other large delivery trucks on a narrow, poor roads with one-lane sections in blind curves. The County does not properly maintain Sigler Springs North Rd. and the width of the road in several blind-curve sections does not comply with County or State standards. Approval of this Project would make an already-dangerous situation even worse.

    3. Fact: Traffic (2) – In the developer’s application, they state the following: “As proposed the project will include three employees during peak season”. This is an absurd statement that anyone familiar with cannabis grows is aware of; for a grow of this size there would likely be at least 6-10 employees required during peak season, possibly many more, just in order to harvest, trim, and dry the plants, etc.

    I STRONGLY urge the Commissioners to deny this Use Permit application.

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    Greg Peters 4 months ago

    I live within two minutes driving distance from the proposed permit site, and I work just down the road from the site. For all the excellent reasons opposing the permit, I also oppose it. One of great things about this area is that the quality of the environmental life is so good. That quality would be seriously undermined if a grow were allowed here.

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    James Minkin 4 months ago

    I want to express my strong opposition to the proposed marijuana grow operation on the nearby land. As a concerned member of the Seigler Springs community, I believe that such an endeavor poses significant risks and drawbacks that should not be ignored.

    As others have said, the operation of a marijuana grow facility would have adverse effects on our environment. The excessive use of water and chemical fertilizers associated with large-scale cultivation can deplete natural resources and contribute to pollution and environmental degradation.

    In addition, such a grow operation could have detrimental effects on the health and well-being of our community members. Studies have shown that exposure to marijuana cultivation sites can have negative effects on air quality and respiratory health.

    The establishment of such an operation in our vicinity also raises serious concerns about public safety. With the cultivation of marijuana comes the potential for increased crime rates, including theft, vandalism, and even violent crime. The presence of large quantities of marijuana could attract criminal elements to our neighborhood, putting the safety and well-being of residents at risk.

    In light of these concerns, I urge you to reject the proposal for a marijuana grow operation on the land near Seigler Springs. There are alternative uses for the property that are more compatible with the values and needs of our local community.

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    Brenda Yeager 4 months ago

    Dear Planning Commission of Lake County,
    I implore you not to approve this Major Use Permit for the proposed commercial cannabis cultivation operation. Please deny this permit completely & finally. As a property owner 5 minutes away, I experience the terrible effects of the other commercial cannabis operations along Seigler Springs. Please imagine how it feels to have to pass armed security to simply visit my friend down the road. In the past, I walked on this road often, but I now avoid the constant noise, activity, light and exposure to weapons. This current proposal is several times larger. Please, this is a residential neighborhood. We cannot live with this kind of degradation of our quality of life right next to our homes.

    I am also writing as a devotee whose Spiritual practice in Lake County is centered at the Mountain of Attention. Our community has sought for decades to preserve and uplift the Sacred lands and waters of Cobb Mountain, which have been recognized and used generation after generation- all the way back to the Indigenous tribes of Lake County- for healing and ceremony. The headwater of the healing springs that flow through this Sanctuary will be desecrated by this cannabis grow. Our Sacred temples are served daily and the quiet beauty of the area is essential to the peace in which we practice. It is like building a strip mall on top in the parking lot of your Church. Please imagine the traffic, noise, light, armed security, and exhaustion of the water table this proposal will introduce into Sacred land.

    As the current Poet Laureate of Lake County, I was moved recently to attend a Board of Supervisors meeting for my inauguration. I heard declarations for Child Protective Services, National Poetry Month, Violence Against Women Awareness and our Lake County Diversity Initiative. I was so inspired to feel Lake County set our intention for a future and vision in which all people, no matter how marginalized or vulnerable, are heard and taken into account in local government. In which art and beauty are held to be integral to our culture. This collective intention heals the missteps of the past and recognizes that our strength only arises from and with the voices of all of the people of Lake County. I beg you to hear the voices of the residents and spiritual practitioners of Seigler Springs and protect us from the self-interests of commerce that threaten the peace and way of life at the heart of our neighborhood. Thank you so much.

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    Damon Schoeffler 4 months ago

    I grew up in this part of Lake County and am very concerned that something of this scale might encroach on the peaceful life that many people choose to live here. The cultivation of marijuana is better suited for other parts of the county where it can be more easily accommodate and won't adversely affect the ecosystem, wildlife, and residents.

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    Antonina Randazzo 4 months ago

    I live very close to the area that is being proposed for the grow location. I am strongly against this proposal not only due to the effect on water usage but also of the environmental impact of noise pollution and increase traffic. This is a very peaceful area conducive to a contemplative lifestyle and our quality of life would be severely impacted by such an operation. Please take this into serious consideration.

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    Sally Schumacher 4 months ago

    I have lived within a mile of the proposed grow location for 22 years. Having lost the home I lived in for 13 years to the Valley Fire and having seen what extended drought can do to our environment, I firmly oppose this proposal which would result in greatly increased water usage, pollution of the water supply, and other environmental issues such as odor and increased traffic. This is sacred land that should not be subjected to this kind of intrusion. Please do not sacrifice the sanctity of this beautiful area for the sake of profit. Please willing to do what is right and will benefit generations of humans and non-humans to come.

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    Jonathan Cottrell 4 months ago

    I am disturbed to know that there is a proposal to site a commercial cannabis growing operation bordering the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. I emigrated from the UK to the US 25 years ago in order to live near the Sanctuary. I did that because of the immeasurable value of the spiritual energy that everyone feels when they are on that uniquely special land. It is true to say that it has changed my life for the better.

    I am horrified at the prospect of a commercial operation intruding on the stillness and pristine beauty of the land that thousands of people from all over the world have contributed their energy and monetary support.

    I am totally opposed to degradation of the naturalness of the area that we have worked so hard to maintain for over 50 years.

    Lake County and the whole world are positively affected by the potent blessing energy of the Sanctuary. Please disallow permits for the operation to go ahead.