Agenda Item

4.2 24-8409:01 A.M. - a) Consideration of an Advisory Election to Ascertain Voter Opinion of the Proposed Name Change from Town of Kelseyville to Konocti, and b) Consider Two Proposed Resolutions and Provide Direction to Staff

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Carolynn Birilli about 1 month ago

    This matter is much bigger than one town in Lake County, and something that should not be left to a vote, and if it is voted should be a matter left to the entire community. This is about righting a historic wrong regarding victims of genocide. As history has shown, civil rights issues are not always best decided by popular vote.

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    Nathan Maxman about 1 month ago

    I support placing the item on the ballot for the people in the Kelseyville to vote on. those outside Kelseyville are not directly impacted by the proposed change. There has been significant investment in branding both the town and the local businesses using the name Kelseyville and it has created a positive image for the town. Changing the name would cause that to be lost. Please place this on the ballot and allow the people who live there to decide what the name should be.

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    Alan Fletcher about 1 month ago

    Lorna Sides, proponent of the proposal to the BGN to rename Kelseyville to Konocti, and Citizens for Healing (as an association supporting the change) object to this proposal.

    This is a MORAL issue, not a MAJORITY vote.

    The issue at hand is NOT how many people support the "Brand Name Kelseyville", but whether the name is OFFENSIVE to even a small minority of Lake County residents.

    It would be more useful if the County Measure were to ask: IF the BGN deems the name Kelseyville to be offensive, what NEW name would you prefer? Konocti, Reeves, Graves ... ?

    On the two proposals: The name of a Town IS of concern to the whole county. It is on maps, and in tourist brochures - so it should be county-wide, not limited to the School District.

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    Me Too about 1 month ago

    Please let the people who live in designated Kelseyville vote for a name change. This whole topic has created hate, bullying and divide throughout this community, and we the people of this community should have a voice, and be the voice for this decision.

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    Nora Moore about 1 month ago

    I hope the board takes note of the irony of having a majority vote. Where the vote is essentially over the genocide of a people.
    This continues to harm our local tribes, their youth and citizens of this county watching comments like the ones attached. This is a moral issue, clear cut. Making it political and platforming an opposition backed by financially held interests is continued harm on our tribes and the people of color in this county who have to witness the disregard, apathy and too often racism of l the more loud of those opposing. Let the BGN change the name and we can educate and recover.
    Stop allowing continued harm on our tribes who've already written in support to the authority who will decide.

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    Elizabeth Barry about 1 month ago

    I am in favor of changing the name of Kelseyville to Konocti for many reasons. I support this issue being put to the voters to seek their opinions and would like to see two calculations: one of Kelseyville residents and the other of Lake County residents. I will not be able to attend this meeting due to a medical appointment.

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    Jackie Rodrigues about 1 month ago

    I am against changing the name of Kelseyville. I do support including the name change issue as an advisory vote on the November ballot. I do recommend that the voting area be designated as Kelseyviile (defined by the KVUSD boundary).
    I request that all interested groups have input on the verbiage of the ballot measure to ensure transparency.
    Fort Bragg decided not to change their name because they said, "The name change would be more detrimental to the city and cause a bigger division to the community."
    Instead of changing Kelseyville's name, I suggest that we take down the Kelsey monument in Kelseyville by the bridge and replace it with one that represents our native history to our community.
    Jackie Rodrigues
    5th generation Kelseyville resident

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    Cathy Pulse about 1 month ago

    I support the inclusion of an advisory election to ascertain voter opinion of the proposed name change.
    I recommend the voting area be designated as Kelseyville only as defined by the KVUSD boundary.

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    Jim Comisky about 1 month ago

    I am in support of the Advisory Vote and absolutely not in favor of a name change. In addition the vote should only be voted on by those registered voters within the KUSD. Voters from other communities should not have a say in the matter. When Clearlake Highlands became the City of Clearlake, I had no say as it didn’t effect me. And for that reason restrict the vote to those that, in the small chance, a name change would occur would be impacted. Changing all legal documents regarding property, licenses, loans, and many more. Keep Kelseyville the friendly country town it is. It’s diverse, inclusive and welcoming!

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    Kevin Bracken about 1 month ago

    I was told by a member of the Kelseyville Business Association that the difference between changing the names of the military bases and changing the name of Kelseyville is that they do not honor Kelsey. So I looked at the KBA web site and did not find anywhere a mention that they did not honor Kelsey. Not sure how they communicate this. The KBA appear to be more interested in keeping the name for business reasons rather than any other. So what would be the problem of changing the name and also mentioning that Konocti was previously known as Kelseyville. I suspect that anyone looking up Kelseyville would hit their web site with the new name. Or add to their current web site that they will be changing the name in the near future. Or they could just have a pointer from the old name to the new so web visitors will be auto redirected. Everyone living in Lake County will know about the changes so school names won't be a problem. So why so much resistance?

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    Nancy SmithClement about 1 month ago

    I am in support of an advisory election to ascertain voter opinion of the proposed name change. Only Kelseyville residents to vote on the resolution
    Nancy Clement
    44 year Kelseyville resident.

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    Trena Pauly about 1 month ago

    Supervisors, I am not in favor of the name change of Kelseyville. I am in favor of the advisory vote to be placed on the November ballot with just Kelseyville residents able to vote on the resolution. Thank you.
    Trena Moore Pauly
    38 year Kelseyville resident

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    Bobby Dutcher about 1 month ago

    I have been a vocal opponent to the name change since this first started. That said, I disagree that the election should be only for Kelseyville residents. This matter will ultimately be decided by a panel of appointed bureaucrats in Washington D,C. that are accountable to no one. I'm sure they expect the residents of any town to resist a name change since it creates a burden for them. A County wide vote will have a much greater impression with State and Federal bureaucracies. I'm confident that the residents of Lake County will rally around the residents of Kelseyville and easily defeat the attempt to change the name of their home town. The results of a County wide election will carry much more weight than a focused KVUSD vote will.

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    Janice Hutchinson about 1 month ago

    Kelseyville is a town developed and maintained by the people. Good or bad, history can not be changed and there is so much more good then bad. It’s a beautiful little town known for its welcoming of all, leave its name alone.
    I am against the name change and believe a vote by the people of this great little town will show its residents are against it too.
    It is about the towns name, so let only the KVUSD vote. Outsiders need to stay out of town business and those in town wanting it changed should move out. The only evil left in this town is the confused little minds of those behind the name change push. The Native Americans and residents of Kelseyville have worked together, gone to school together for years and years. Stop the woke agendas from moving forward and get back to the basics.

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    Stephanie Holdenried about 1 month ago

    I support the inclusion of an advisory election to ascertain voter opinion of the proposed name change.
    I recommend the voting area be designated as Kelseyville only as defined by the KVUSD boundary.

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    Daniel Fossa about 1 month ago

    Page 13 of the U.S. Board on Geographical Names Principles, Policies, and Procedures states that “the underlying principle of the BGN for establishing official geographic names and their applications is recognition of present-day local usage or preferences. ... Existing published names, names in legal documents, and names with historical significance are given strong consideration in cases where proposed names differ from current official names.”

    a) I support the inclusion of an advisory election to ascertain voter opinion of the proposed name change.
    b) I recommend the voting area be designated as Kelseyville only as defined by the KVUSD boundary.

    1. Will we have input on the phrasing of the proposed Ballot Measure?
    2. What is the deadline for submission of information to be included in a sample ballot?

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    Ellen Hardenburger about 1 month ago

    I support having an Advisory vote on changing the name of Kelseyville by the residents of the Kelseyville Unified School District only.

    I do not support changing the name.

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    Eric Mostin about 1 month ago

    As a life long, 4th generation kelseyville resident, I find that we have to even do this very sad! This historic, fine little town has many more problems that need fixing other than the name! If it does come down to a vote, it should be voted on the people in the town of kelseyville and that is it!

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    Johnny Miskill about 1 month ago

    I really feel that the name of this town has ever right to be as it is for the reason it's been this way for over 100 years or about that time. So why now this change...... I also understand the bad dealings that took place many years ago and are not proud of it. I feel the name is a name in which none of us now living has any thing to do with. Justice was severed many years ago and removing the towns name is like trying to remove thing in the passed history. The white man in many ways was not a great person and I stand NOT PROUD OF THERE DOINGS .. But in no way can we change the passed and changing a name we do nothing.

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    Tammy Renfro Myers about 1 month ago

    I support an advisory election with only residents within the Kelseyville Unified School District voting. Thank you for your consideration.
    If someone decided the name of Lake County should be changed we would not want surrounding counties to have a vote. Appreciate your time.