Agenda Item

4 21-205 9:20 A.M. - (Continued from February 25, 2021) PUBLIC HEARING to Discuss and Consider Zoning Text Amendment (AM 21-01) to Article 27 of the Lake County Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the Cultivation of Commercial Cannabis. The applicant is the COUNTY OF LAKE.

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    yeng xiong over 3 years ago

    I worked at Kindness Farms last year in Lakeport. Finding a job has been difficult and I was thrilled to be hired last summer by the company. I was able to have a steady income and provide for my family. Like most farm workers, I was laid off after the season but am planning to work this coming summer. If the farm is not allowed to operate, I am extremely nervous about what that means for my family. I urge you to allow this farm to operate - there are many people whose livelihoods depend on this.