Agenda Item

4 21-205 9:20 A.M. - (Continued from February 25, 2021) PUBLIC HEARING to Discuss and Consider Zoning Text Amendment (AM 21-01) to Article 27 of the Lake County Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the Cultivation of Commercial Cannabis. The applicant is the COUNTY OF LAKE.

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    Joseph Gustafson over 3 years ago


    Attachments: DocScan.pdf
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    Crystal Keesey over 3 years ago

    The Terpene Taint study in Santa Barbara was performed between CANNABIS and grapes, not hemp as FB Director Brenna Sullivan indicated.

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    Jennifer Smith over 3 years ago

    Please see the attached letter.

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    Sufyan Hamouda over 3 years ago

    Please see attached questions and comments

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    Michael Rodriguez over 3 years ago

    Please see attached letter.

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    Luci Nelson over 3 years ago

    I highly recommend this business be allowed to remain as is. The Kindness Farm not only provides much needed employment for Lake County, it also provides much needed tax revenue! When families have a member with good job for a good employer they will stay with the company and not be a drain on the county Social Services, something that should be strongly taken into consideration! Besides that point, everyone knows that employed persons bring revenue into their communities via purchases with businesses etc...
    Kindness Farms has an excellent reputation with the
    Employees. A true “family” environment with successful teammanship efforts! This is simply a Win Win for all!

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    Mary Hang over 3 years ago

    Due to the pandemic, it has been difficult for me to find a job but I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to work at Kindness Farms this summer. Working at Kindness Farm have helped me so much as in being able to support my family.
    I urged that you allow Kindness Farm to operate so that I can continue on having a job and many individuals who had worked at the farm.

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    Jeremy Hunter over 3 years ago

    I live in the area and work at Kindness Farms. It's been difficult to find jobs up here. I was happy when I found a position at a cannabis company near my house and would like Kindness Farms to be grandfathered in so I can keep my job and many others who work at the farm, can maintain their livelihoods. I have a grandfather who doesn’t have much time left due to a disease called Lou Gehrig’s and it makes it easier for me to spend the last bit of time he has left with him working closer to home and in lake county. He’s the one who raised me which is why I enjoy being able to be closer at home. And working in Lake County has given me the opportunity to do so. Thank you

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    Donte Smith over 3 years ago

    Kindness farms has shown me nothing but respect and I would love to work there again this year if it is possible at all

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    Meggan Bahm over 3 years ago

    I was very fortunate to get an opportunity to go work at Kindness Farms this summer! The energy and the atmosphere of the employees there was amazing! I will gladly work there again this year if they'll have me! The location is really nice for me, working close to home is always nice.

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    Somchai Thao over 3 years ago

    I like working at kindness farm because of the clean and friendly environment. Also, kindness farm have supported me by being able to help around with my family during this pandemic.

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    Jose Perez Ramirez over 3 years ago

    Now a days its very difficult to find a job to keep supporting a family of 3 or more especially in lake conty. Kindness Farms provides employees with a great opportunity in life. It has good benefits and it encourages us to do better at life. Therefore, I please ask you to please keep this future going foward and let us have a brighter future.

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    Emmanue De Leon over 3 years ago

    I want to be part of this cause because Kindness Farms has provided us their support by giving us the chance to join their team. I want this cuse to continue because I enjoy working in a positve working autmosphere. I please urge you to let us continue with this amazing journey. Thank You

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    Carlos Montanez over 3 years ago

    I fully support this cause. As you may already know it has been very difficult to find a job specially a good one. Before i started with Kindness Farms i was struggling to find a job to have my famliy stabled. I please ask that we can continue with this busness to have a success future. Thank you!

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    Jorge Amador over 3 years ago

    As you may already know the COVID pandemic took many jobs away from us including mine. Last year I had the chance of working with Kindness Farms. The work athmosphere is great. Coworkers are united and it has been one of my best opportunities and i would like us to keep moving foward. Thank you in advance

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    Justiano Miranda over 3 years ago

    Today I want to join and succor this cause. I have been struggling to get employeed and kindness Farms brough light to me and the ones that hold on to me. For this reason i urge you to please let us continue with this job opportunity. Thank You for your understanding.

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    Oscar Alberto Flores Ramirez over 3 years ago

    It was especially hard to find work this summer due to the pandemic. If it wasn't for my job with Kindness Farms this summer, I would not have had work. I really hope I can continue to work there this summer.

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    Bobby Dutcher over 3 years ago

    There seems to be confusion among the public and staff over the new Farmland Protection Zones. it seemed clear that this would define where outdoor cultivation would be allowed (outside FPZ's) and not allowed (inside FPZ's and 1,000 ft buffer). Staff still seems to feel outdoor cultivation is not allowed on the 4 farmland importance zones without permitting authority approval. After this, the ordinance needs to be updated to reduce confusion. It has not been updated since 2019, so an interested citizen would need to download County Code, then attempt to summarize the revisions made since that time. County staff even seems unclear as to how to interpret these changes. This still lacks a definition of "agriculture not related to cannabis". Timber production, livestock grazing, and hay production could be considered agriculture by an unhappy neighbor wanting to interfere with a neighbors cannabis project.

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    Annje Dodd over 3 years ago

    This comment is in regards to the Grandfather Language - Will this language apply to ALL applicants within the Farmland Protection Zone that were deemed complete but have not received a Use Permit before December 15, 2020 regardless of the Farmland Designation?

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    Marco Rico over 3 years ago

    I enjoyed working at Kindness Farms, I urge you to allow this farm to operate - there are many people whose livelihoods depend on this.