Agenda Item

7.6 24-944Consideration of the Following Appointment to the Big Valley Advisory Council

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    MAILE FIELD at September 09, 2024 at 1:03pm PDT

    I'm writing in support of Brandon Baeza's appointment to the Big Valley Advisory Council.

    I have known Brandon since he was a young child. I currently lease my organic pear orchard to Brandon and his family.

    Brandon is intelligent, caring and dedicated to the community. He and his brother (with gentle oversight by their father) manage hundreds of acres of pears in Big Valley and they do so with integrity and grace.

    They are the best at pruning, operating equipment and getting things done on time. And they go beyond what is required; just this past week I noticed that following harvest they sent a team of workers through my orchard to pick up any trash left by the picking crew.

    Please make the investment in the future of Big Valley appointing Brandon would provide.

    Thank you.

    Maile Field, Kelseyville