Agenda Item

4.1 9:00 A.M. - Public Input

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    Stephen Stangland about 1 month ago

    to add to my my previous comment and live comment. I think this should be binding that the Board of Supervisors would be required to recommend to the BGN whatever the outcome is of the vote.

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    Nick Bourgeois about 1 month ago

    I am a current resident of Kelseyville, specifically in the HOA now named Kelseyville Riviera. It used to be Clear Lake Riviera, but I received a ballot to change the name. The reason? Because being associated with the city of Clearlake was bringing down property values. This indicates that names matter! I understand that the cost to change a HOA is not nearly as impactful, but if we changed because of finances, I certainly think we can change based on genocide.

    The name of a federal holiday was changed when new facts were brought to light. Why is this community any different? I am not Native myself, but doing a bit of reading, I too support the name change.

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    Crystal Arroyo about 1 month ago

    I support the name change of Kelseyville to be placed on the ballot for all Lake County voters to decide.

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    Jim Comisky about 1 month ago

    I fully support an advisory vote on the subject of changing the name of Kelseyville. The vote should be limited to the registered voters who live within the boundaries of the KUSD. When Clearlake Highlands became the City of Clearlake, I had no vote because it didn’t effect me. Why should a voter from Nice have a say in a matter that should the name change occur, and cause me tremendous hassles, cost, time when it won’t effect them. Furthermore the notion of how Kelseyville was named is mostly not documented. Leave Kelseyville as it is Kelseyville, a friendly, open, accepting country Town.

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    Jodi Brust about 1 month ago

    I am strongly against a name change away from Konocti. I do believe that public input should be gathered via vote of Kelseyville residents only as they are the people that will have to change the name of their city. Input from non Kelseyville residents would not be a true voice of the people directly affected