Agenda Item

6.8 24-70110:00 A.M. - Consideration of the Final Report of the Lake Countywide Community Visioning Forum Planning Committee

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Lorna Sides 9 months ago

    The comment on page 14 was just that. A comment. The Committee spent much volunteered time to produce their final report. The BOS needs to continue to support diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities, building bridges, not walls. The people opposing the name change (mostly for economic and sentimental reasons) need to look outside of their little boxes and acknowledge that the name is hurtful and promotes the ongoing dehumanization and degradation of the native people. Now that would be a bridge.

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    Lynne Wiley 9 months ago

    I support efforts to rename Kelseyville to Konocti. By continuing to keep the names of rapist, slave holders and generally unpleasant people we are glorifying those people. Our native community has said very strongly that they continue to feel the pain of the loss of their community to the violence of Andrew Kelsey.
    I feel that by keeping the name Kelsey we are passively condoning this past behavior. And that is the opposite of the message we want to send. All you have to do is look to the news, a southern city is returning civil wars names to schools against the opinion of many. This sends mixed messages to our communities. By doing this that local government is condoning the unpleasant history of slavery.
    We need to be strong enough to stand for what is right and correct, not to bow to pressure that says it’s doesn’t really matter what the name is. We are better than that.

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    Kim Riley 9 months ago

    We oppose adoption of this document, specifically regarding page 14 and recommendations to support changing the name of Kelseyville.

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    Nellie Dorn 9 months ago

    It is unfair to force the people of Kelseyville to change their name when they have no real way of defending themselves, and they are the only ones with skin in the game when it comes to the name of their town. Those people who's identity is tied to the town will become disconnected in time and space. Those forcing the name change accuse bad motives, but this is disingenuous. Why should people not from Kelseyville decide what the name means? We know it means the town we love and in who's cemetery our loved ones are buried. It's the name which we attach all of our memories, our parents memories, our grandparents etc. It is unkind to accuse us of wanting to honor a bad person. Kelseyville is our town in 2024, not a bad man in 1848. If you can't comprehend this you might understand better if people were proposing changing the name of San Francisco, or the SF 49'rs or the city of Vallejo. These names mean a great city, a beloved football team team and another big city, they don't mean a mission where many Native Americans died, goldminers who abused Native Americans, or Spanish brothers who massacred Native Americans. We all know this. we must apply this logic to Kelseyville as well.

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    Brennen Bethel 9 months ago

    I oppose the visioning plan due to the inclusion of the "Support efforts to rename Kelseyville." Most of the community is not in favor of the change and I believe the Board of Supervisors should remain neutral. I hope you will listen to the majority and not the small vocal few. Listen to the community please.

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    Richard White 9 months ago

    Rick White. I oppose any name change to Kelseyville without a vote by the Kelseyville community who actually live in the zip code 95451. I don't think it makes sense to change a community name without a majority of that community having a say in the matter or agreeing for that change. This is important enough that it should not be left up to a handful of decision makers or influenced by groups that don't live in Kelseyville and have little concern or care for the people who do live there and would be most impacted by that change. In addition a name change will have an financial impact at the Federal, State and Local levels including business.

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    Stephen Stangland 9 months ago

    There is an ever growing distrust in government at all levels all across the country, ever wonder why? It's hidden agendas buried into documents like this. Drive around the county, there are countless signs saying "Save Kelseyville". The will of the people is to keep the name as it is. This Board needs to listen to the people not a small vocal faction.
    Oppose this document and Save Kelseyville!

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    Ron Haskett 9 months ago

    Please remove the Support efforts to rename Kelseyville from page 14, most of our community does not support the name change in any way. I believe the BOS should remain neutral in this fight until the people they represent have spoken

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    Lisa Cowdrey 9 months ago

    Including the "support efforts to rename Kelseyville" without considering the Kelseyville Community & it's citizens is disrespectful. How can you speak on their behalf when you haven't even taken their feeling into consideration. The idea you will "heal" anything by attempting to erase history is misguided. The only way to move forward is with education so these atrocities aren't repeated. There are so many other important issues we should be focused on instead of wasting energy on something which is creating division & animosity. I would hope you would reconsider & truly consider the consequences.

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    Katee Vega 9 months ago

    I oppose this!

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    Aleisha Lyndall 9 months ago

    Item 6.8 regarding the name change of Kelseyville should be removed from your agenda. Keeping this discussion shows only your support for the name change which is highly debated. The majority of our community is not in favor of the name change and was not allowed adequate representation. This item needs to be decided by the community as a whole and not just a select few. BOS support for the name change will cause even more division in our community.

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    Mark Borghesani 9 months ago

    I oppose this visioning Plan, with the inclusion of page 14, Last item, that this county support changing the name of Kelseyville. the Board of Supervisors has been neutral to this point, in regards to the issue of changing the name of Kelseyville. NOW, we read that the county's visioning plan supports efforts to change the name of Kelseyville. Sunday, was Bacon Fest Day in Kelseyville. Over 50 volunteers from all over the county, thousands of people from all over, enjoying our friendly country town. Now Tuesday Morning, we see that the county is supporting efforts to change the name of our town. It's unfortunate that Kelseyville was left out of the planning process for this vision of Lake County. Looking at the "Committee's Purpose" I don't see a section where it says that stripping the name of a town from it's community to heal another is part of the vision plan. i do see where it talks about building Bridges, where there may be walls. if this truly is the committees purpose, then the line that says "Support efforts to rename Kelseyville" should be removed and truly if you want to build bridges then let's talk. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    Kendra Wiegand 9 months ago

    No. The general public doesn't support this vision, or changing the name of Kelseyville.

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    Alan Fletcher 9 months ago

    Concerning the Board of Supervisors Agenda June 13, 2024 Item 6.8/24-701
    Consideration of the Final Report of the Lake Countywide Community Visioning Forum Planning Committee

    Honorable Supervisors,
    As an 'outlier' who 'gets wind of things', I participated in many of the planning meetings and all the public meetings, helping facilitate one of them (a table of strong Hispanic women, who didn't need much facilitating!)

    I particularly commend the forum for providing spanish translation, and for listening to the voices of children.

    The main thrust of the forum's recommendations would be implemented over several years, so I understand it is not able to address short-term issues, even though 'support for renaming' was identified as significant by the community.

    I certainly hope that the BOS will "do the right thing", making sure that even the smallest voice is not only heard, but given 'equitable' (which may be different from 'equal') treatment. I am sure you will not pander to a vocal majority of voters, or the fairly moderate costs of some of the suggested changes, much of which can be ameliorated.

    I request that the Supervisors send a copy of this report to the Board on Geographic Names -- whose email address I believe you already have --, with KONOCTI in the subject line - together with the board's resolution on the matter, which I hope will be to accept the report.
    Thank you again for the work of the forum, and I hope its and the board’s groundbreaking work of inclusion will be continued.

    Alan Fletcher, June 18, 2024
    Lucerne, 707 413 9491

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    Me Too 9 months ago

    Regarding page 14
    The community of Kelseyville as a whole was never given the option to oppose the name change. Instead the community as a whole was silenced by one group who went around our community and straight to the federal government. Please remove this issue from the board of supervisors, the community should have a voice.

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    Trena Pauly 9 months ago

    The suggestion to support changing the name of Kelseyville should be deleted from this report. The issue is of significant concern as it appears to advocate for a change that affects our community without adequate representation and consultation. It should not be determined by a few individuals when it is known to be controversial.

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    Barbara Green 9 months ago

    Please remove the reference on page 14 to the Kelseyville Name Change.

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    Carole A Costa 9 months ago

    Regarding Page 14.
    What would support Lake County residents feeling respected, included and experiencing fair outcomes?
    Respect eachother now and in the future without changing the name of the town of Kelseyville.

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    Kevin Boyd 9 months ago

    Any decision to change the name of Kelseyville should be the sole decision of the residents and tax payers affected. The LCBOS should not support the matter either way and should refrain from interfering in this local matter. Any support of this document may reasonably be considered direct support for a name change and would create unnecessary community division and consternation.

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    Rachel White 9 months ago

    Page 14 of the document mentions support for renaming Kelseyville, which is currently a highly controversial political issue. Approving this document with such language could be seen as using a community forum to advance the agenda of a few, without proper representation from the Kelseyville community.

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