Agenda Item

6.9 24-39210:30 A.M. - Consideration of Presentation on Road Map Task Force (RMTF) Accomplishments, Lessons Learned, and Proposed Community Oriented Policing and Targeted Restoration (COPTR) for Nice, Lucerne and Other Shoreline Area Communities for Fiscal Years 2024/25 through 2026/27

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    Margaux Kambara 5 months ago

    BoS 16Apr2024 Mtg Agenda Item 6.10

    Board of Supervisors,

    I do not object to the awarding of the contract to update the housing plan, but I have concerns about the approach:
    • To finish the update by October 2024 seems rushed and does not allow for much public input.
    • Limiting public input to four meetings plus a few others does not seem meaningful.
    • The county plans on one revision of the plan draft with the consultant. This does not seem conducive to incorporating public input on the draft.
    • Assessing the status and county progress on the current housing plan could capitalize on housing plan work previously done. Issues surfaced earlier may still be relevant and outstanding. This task is not in the current work plan.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Best regards,
    Margaux Kambara