Agenda Item

6.11 24-27510:30 A.M. - Consideration of Resolution Establishing the Kelseyville Area Council (KAC) as the Municipal Advisory Committee for the Kelseyville Area in District 5

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    Jeanine Pfeiffer 6 months ago

    As a resident of the proposed area, yet never having heard of this proposal until today, I request more public outreach be conducted *and* for the name to be changed to “Big Valley Area Council.”

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    Alan Fletcher 6 months ago

    [ This replaces an earlier comment March 11, 2024 at 10:17pm PDT]

    I endorse the formation of a MAC, to remove the discussion of area matters from the members-only Kelseyville Business Association (KBA ) and a private Facebook page. As a participant in, we noted the lack of a MAC in our proposal to "Rename Kelseyville to Konocti".

    I have examined the KAC map, and observe that the area extends significantly beyond the Kelseyville Census Designated Place (and does not correlate with ZIP codes).

    The proposer is surely aware by now that the name of "Kelseyville" is being reviewed by the US Board on Geographic Names, and has just been referred to the California Advisory Committee on Geographic Names.

    I therefore believe that it should have a less specific, and potentially less provocative name.

    I propose "Big Valley Area Council" (BVAC), which would be neutral and appropriate.

    Secondly, in light of my experience with the Lucerne Council (and as a twice-elected member of an English town council, with a one-man split between parties), I have concerns about its composition and bye laws, which provide for an open election of their board. This is a recipe for stacking the council, on a current, polarizing matter, which extends beyond the boundaries of the local area.

    I recommend using the structure of the Visioning Forums, where every voice is heard, and that, until the renaming issue is resolved, the members should be appointed by the BOS, and not elected. Specifically, I think the MAC board should consist of three officers, selected on the the basis of their capabilities and for a neutral attitude, and 4 or 6 members representing different sub-areas or interests.

    I wish to address the Board of Supervisors on this matter.

    Alan Fletcher,
    PO Box 206, Lucerne, CA 95458

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    Alan Fletcher 6 months ago

    6.11, 10:30 a.m.: Consideration of resolution establishing the Kelseyville Area Council (KAC) as the Municipal Advisory Committee for the Kelseyville Area in District 5.

    I endorse the formation of a MAC, to remove the discussion of area matters from the members-only Kelseyville Business Association (KBA ) and a private Facebook page. As a participant in, we noted the lack of a MAC in our proposal to "Rename Kelseyville to Konocti".
    I have examined the KAC map, and note that the area extends significantly beyond the Kelseyville Census Designated Place (and does not correlate with ZIP codes).
    I therefore believe that it should have a less specific, and less provocative name.
    The (presumed) proposers are surely aware by now that the name of "Kelseyville" is being reviewed by the US Board on Geographic Names, and has just been referred to the California Advisory Committee on Geographic Names. Save the Name of Kelseyville (SNK) and the Kelseyville Business Association (KBA ) seem to be determined to stamp the offensive name on everything (a new sign, and fund-raising for an arch) ... and will then quote the expense of changing them.

    I propose "Big Valley Area Council" (BVAC), which would be neutral and appropriate.
    Secondly, in light of my experience with the Lucerne Council (and as a twice-elected member of an English town council, with a one-man split between parties), I have concerns about its composition and bye laws, which provide for an open election of their board. This is a recipe for stacking the council, on a current, polarizing matter, which extends beyond the boundaries of the local area. I recommend using the structure of the Visioning Forums, where every voice is heard, and that, until the renaming issue is resolved, the members should be appointed by the board, and not elected. Specifically, I think the board should consist of three officers, selected on the the basis of their capabilities and for a neutral attitude, and 4 or 6 members representing different sub-areas or interests.

    I wish to address the Board of Supervisors on this matter.

    Alan Fletcher,
    PO Box 206, Lucerne, CA 95458