Agenda Item

6.8 24-10211:00 A.M. - Consideration of Recommendations from the Cannabis Ordinance Task Force regarding Zoning Districts and Permit Types for Various Cannabis-Related Businesses; and Request for Board Direction

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    Lake County Resident 8 months ago

    Chair Sabatier and Supervisors,

    At previous meetings for direction, your Board had asked CDD/COTF to not take up on-site consumption/consumption lounges until a later date. Did direction from your Board change on this topic as it is being included in today's presentation with a recommendation in all zones except RR?

    Additionally, can your Board or CDD clarify exactly which zoning use type cannabis special events would qualify under for a ministerial zoning permit? Zoning permits require no public notice or hearing (Article 49.3 'Zoning Permit - Public Hearing and Notice').

    According to Article 27.3 (Conditions Required for Use Permits), cannabis special events do not appear to qualify for the 'Special Outdoor Event - Non-Profit' category as they are a for-profit industry. The 'Christmas Tree Sales' category is insufficient as well. Tree sales are allowed to operate from November to February and has a requirement for only 3 parking spaces. There doesn't appear to be any other category that may be interpreted as applicable to cannabis special events at this time.

    Special events for cannabis should be required to go through the same permitting process and scrutiny as special events for wineries. Cannabis and wine are both intoxicating substances which need to be recognized and treated as such when events with consumption are considered. This is for residents safety along with law enforcement, fire and other emergency personnels safety, awareness and preparedness.

    Thank you.