Agenda Item

5. Public Input

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    Julie Golden 8 months ago

    January 25, 2024
    RE: Agenda Item 6e. Applicant: Rancho Novoa Project UP 22-24
    Three generations of my family have lived on Blue Lake and have a strong connection to the community and have always supported the small recreational businesses on the lake. They have all had venue development projects, live music and guests that respect not only the lake community, but also the wildlife habitats. I’m requesting that you send the Rancho Novoa Application back to the Planning Department. It has not met basic criteria. The scope of the proposed use has not been accurately described and the applicant has already undertaken activities beyond their entitlements and permitted uses for their property which is seriously detrimental for the community and the environment.
    The impacts of this Project have not been assessed by all of the essential Public Agencies. The concerns from the Public Agencies that have commented, have not been adequately addressed to have this request moved forward. I am respectfully asking you to be careful in your decision-making about the Rancho Novoa Application. I’ve listed three critical issues that must be addressed or the use permit must be denied.
    Lake County Road Department-
    Overflow parking on Blue Lake Road cannot be allowed due to an existing narrow roadway.

    Northshore Fire Protection District-
    A proposed Use Permit will require a Change of Occupancy and will be subject to the requirements of the California Fire Code and NFPA standards and the Public Resource Code. Also a wildfire safety plan that adequately prevents wildfire from associated activities and protects the public.

    Amplified Noise NOI-3-
    The applicant shall have no amplified noise on the site. This prohibition may be amended.
    If this requirement is violated, the applicant should have their use permit rescinded.

    The existing businesses in the vicinity of this proposed project have already been negatively impacted by unpermitted grading and venue operation. There has not been “enforcement” of the basic county land use codes. Zoning of adjacent properties and their entitlements are inconsistent with the uses that would be allowed with approval of this project. Allowing these NEW uses is “a take” on neighboring property owners/businesses and their entitlements as the uses and impacts are inconsistent with current permitted uses/objectives of the General Plan.

    I respectfully request this project not be approved as currently proposed.

    Julie Golden