Agenda Item

5.1 23-1226Approve Letter of Support for CalWild's State Coastal Conservancy Grant Funding Request to Support Upper Eel River Watershed Community Visioning Process

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Monica Rosenthal over 1 year ago

    I agree with Mr. Dutcher's comment. This item should appear on a future BOS agenda allowing for public participation and transparency on this topic.

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    Bobby Dutcher over 1 year ago

    In paragraph 1 of the site description, it says the 2 dams at the head of the Eel River are responsible for the near extinction of salmon and steelhead. One of the dams has a fish ladder and the other one only blocks barely 2% of the total Eel River watershed. To blame these on the plight of fish without any discussion of the effects of climate change, changing oceanic conditions, illegal water diversions, etc is very irresponsible. It goes on to say that there are redwood forests in the area when not a single native redwood tree has ever existed above Cape Horn Dam. The County of Lake should not be supporting this proposal until someone with at least a pedestrian understanding of the area authors it. By hiding this in the consent agenda, it makes it look as though the BOS has gone into a "give up slide" on the future of Lake Pillsbury. The residents of Lake County are not willing to give up this lake so easily. Put this topic on the agenda at a later date.