Agenda Item

6.8 23-11671:30 P.M. - (Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Lake County Watershed Protection District) Consideration of draft comment letter to the State Water Resources Control Board regarding draft emergency regulations proposed for the Clear Lake watershed

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    MAILE FIELD 11 months ago

    Thank you for considering this letter to the state water board.

    I ask you for clarity to consider adding the words “agricultural users” in the second to last paragraph so that the final verbiage is:
    "We oppose imposition of fines or enforcement actions on AGRICULTURAL USERS, individuals and single-family residences during implementation of the emergency regulations, even if authorized."

    The agriculture community is very upset that the tribes are not focusing on the real issues: predation and water quality. Many members of the ag community assisted in the relocation of stranded hitch this spring and feel this is a slap in the face.

    If the board’s action leads to restrictions on water use during frost season—or at any other time—the results will completely devastate all agriculture in the watershed.

    Thank you.
Maile Field
    Organic Pear Grower