Agenda Item

5.10 23-795(Sitting as the Board of Directors, Lake County Watershed Protection District) Adopt Resolution authorizing the County of Lake Water Resources Director to (a) accept and execute 2023 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Grant Program - Clean Water Act section 319(h) Planning Grant and Agreement Award for $145,098 (b) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of the goods and services, (c) Approve and authorize the Water Resources Director to sign the service agreement with California Rural Water Agency and MC Engineering to fulfill the 319(h) Grant deliverables, and (d) Approve and authorize the Water Resources Director to sign the attached Reimbursement agreements between the District and the Cities of (i) Lakeport and (ii) Clearlake to complete the project and authorize the Water Resources Director to sign.

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