Agenda Item

6.10 23-4951:30 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING - (Continued from April 18, and April 25, 2023) Consideration of Draft Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 of the Lake County Code relating to Exempt Agricultural Building Permitting for Temporary Hoop Structures for Horticulture and Crop Protection

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    Jennifer Berg over 1 year ago

    I'd like to express my support for updating our local ordinance to match the State Regulation, allowing outdoor cannabis cultivators to use hoops for cultivation. I also urge the use of ag exempt structures for drying cannabis.Utilizing hoops for cultivation enables our local farmers to benefit from a cost-effective method that reduces energy consumption and promotes sustainable farming. It’s important to note that ag exempt structures are already in place; the sensible approach is to use existing structures for drying eliminating the need for new construction, fostering sustainability. On top of that using ag exempt structures for drying cannabis creates a standardized process for all ag products encouraging flourishing within the downtrodden cannabis industry.
    I urge the Board of Supervisors to take action today by passing these amendments, supporting sustainable cannabis industry and promoting consistent regulations within our county.
    Jennifer, Bottle Rock Farms

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    Paul Regan over 1 year ago

    Please allow hoops for light deprivation techniques. Today's market is causing problems in the farmers. This could help keep us afloat. Thank you