Agenda Item

6.1 23-4599:05 A.M. - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of Major Use Permit (UP 20-26) and Mitigated Negative Declaration based on Initial Study (IS 20-29); Applicant: CC RANCH ENTERPRISES/FOREST ELIE; for 14,756 sf of canopy within 17,116 sf of outdoor cannabis cultivation area at 2507 and 2515 Clover Valley Road, Upper Lake (APNs 004-017-07 and -10); and Self-Distribution - Transport Only

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Ann Bauer over 1 year ago

    I did observe a Band-tailed Pigeon on my deck on the property adjacent to the project sometime in March 2023. I did not note the date. It was a very beautiful bird and quite large.

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    Donna Mackiewicz over 1 year ago

    As noted on page 24 of the Initial Study , Natural Investigations’ biological report observed a Band-tailed Pigeon on 1/30, and 2/11/ 2020, site visits. With all migratory species it is hard to judge the impact a project will have when the site visits are done in winter. A lot has changed in the 3=years with the new growth the fires brought to life. Spring site visits offer a clearer representation of the importance of an area-especially when a vulnerable species is seen in a single visit. There have been infrequent sightings in Upper Lake in recent years. Biological studies should be performed in spring migration to get a clear impact of nesting and flyway use. “As California's only native pigeon and a close relative of the extinct passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), the Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata) is a treasured wildlife species in California.“ USFW