Agenda Item
6.6 23-3809:15 A.M. - a) Consideration of Resolution Amending Resolutions 2022-15 and 2022-45 for the purpose of extending the end date for changes made to cannabis cultivation taxes in regards to suspension of CPI increases, using canopy area only, and a decrease of the tax by 50%; and b) Discussion on permanent changes to cannabis cultivation taxes
We operate, Ghost Dance, a small farm on Jerusalem Grade in Supervisor Simon's district. We are part of a dwindling number of small farmers who have survived the double whammy of high taxes and historically challenging market conditions. We STRONGLY SUPPORT your resolution calling for a two-year extension of the 50% reduction of the cultivation tax. Moreover, we request that you make permanent the change that you adopted shifting the taxable area from “Cultivation Area” to “Canopy Area”. These changes, when first passed, was what allowed us to survive the current grow season.
Ghost Dance is grateful that Staff and the Board of Supervisors has taken the time to meet with farmers and understand the challenges first-hand.
These actions will allow local operators to continue generating jobs and tax revenue in the coming years. Your support sends an important and meaningful message to local farmers that the County has their best interests in mind when making policy decisions.