Agenda Item

6.3 23-1949:30 A.M. - Consideration of Draft Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 of The Lake County Code and Adopting by Reference the 2022 California Building Standards Code, Known As The California Code Of Regulations, Title 24, Parts 1 through 6, 8 through 12, Incorporating The 2022 Edition of the California Administrative Code, Title 24 Part 1; The 2022 Edition of the California Building Code, Title 24 Part 2; The 2022 Edition of the California Residential Code, Title 24 Part 2.5; The 2022 Edition of the California Electrical Code, Title 24 Part 3; The 2022 Edition of the California Mechanical Code, Title 24 Part 4; The 2022 Edition of the California Plumbing Code, Title 24 Part 5; The 2022 Edition of the California Energy Code, Title 24 Part 6; The 2022 Edition of the California Historical Building Code, Title 24 Part 8; The 2022 Edition of the California Fire Code, Title 24 Part 9; The 2022 Edition of the California Existing Building Code, Title 24 Part 10; The 2022 Edition of the California Green Building Code, Title 24 Part 11; The 2022 Edition of the California Referenced Standards Code, Title 24, Part 12; The 2021 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code; The 2021 Edition of the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code

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