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Agenda Item

6b. 23-1639:10 a.m. - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-29) and Mitigated Negative Declaration based on Initial Study (IS 21-30); Applicant: ADOBE CREEK LLC/ 2CW PRODUCTIONS, INC/ HIGHMARK LAND COMPANY LLC for commercial cannabis processing in existing facilities; Project location: 4820 Loasa Road, Kelseyville (APN: 008-038-50)

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    James Comstock over 1 year ago

    As long time Lake County agricultural producers we support the application for the Adobe Creek Processing Facility
    Lake County is unrivaled in rural beauty and agricultural resources but we have historically struggled to keep money and jobs here. Products produced in the county are shipped out for processing taking with them jobs and tax base that benefit Lake County residents and workers
    We have visited the applicant’s facilities in Sonoma County. We were impressed with what we saw. We observed a professional operation with no negative impact on the surrounding community. The operation was well managed and appeared to be a great asset to the Sonoma County community
    While we are sympathetic to concerns of community members regarding the proximity of the facility to community buildings, we maintain that this facility is analogous to wine businesses that are in place at similar distances to the community. We do not foresee a negative impact if this application is approved

    Jim Comstock

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    Phil _ over 1 year ago

    This project should be approved. The processing facility is considerably north of Gaddy Lane in an industrial/ag setting, the area is no longer close to an elementary school as it once was. There is also a winery and vineyard close by. Cannabis has to be organic by California law, so there is no danger of pesticides as there would be with vineyards or pears. The closer a cannabis processing facility is to the farms results in better quality product and a more efficient system.