Agenda Item

4.1 23-38 1:00 P.M. - (Continued from January 10, 2023) - (Sitting as the Lake County Housing Commission) - a) Presentation describing the financing and funding sources and relative positions of the lienholders for the Collier Avenue Affording Housing Project; and b) Consideration of the PLHA Loan Agreement, PLHA Deed of Trust, PLHA Promissory Note, PLHA Regulatory Agreement, MHSA/HHAP Loan Agreement, MHSA/HHAP Deed of Trust, MHSA/HHAP Promissory Note, Chase/County Subordination Agreement, County/Sponsor Subordination Agreement, County/DDS Subordination Agreement for the Collier Avenue Housing Project and Termination and Release of Agreement to Develop Affordable Housing

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