Agenda Item

6b. 22-1206 9:10 a.m. - PUBLIC HEARING - (Continued from 10-27-22) Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-09), and Mitigated Negative Declaration based on Initial Study (IS 21-09) for outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation; Applicant: (Loco Farms, Inc.); Project location: 21080 Loconomi Rd., Middletown (APN: 014-140-12)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Michael Rodriguez almost 2 years ago

    I strongly support this project and all of their eco-friendly, sustainable, regenerative farming practices. Excellent stewards of the land and delightful addition to the agricultural community.

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    Christopher Thomas almost 2 years ago

    Part 3: Multiple homes on this street also have business run out of their residence as well, I hope they are held to the same standards that are expected of us. We have tried to reach out many times and will continue to do so to help navigate the issues that can be addressed to insure our neighbors that we will continue to be team players and good neighbors that just want to create a beautiful self sufficient farm that will help so many! Thank you for your time!

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    Christopher Thomas almost 2 years ago

    Part 2: We have also tried to fill in pot holes on the main road and abided by the posted speed limit to help mitigate dust and road damage. We have spoken with the Felciano family about their well a few times and have always made it clear that they have access to it at all times, I even reached out to them once when it was leaking to give them a heads up. In no way have we ever made them feel it would be unsafe for them to come on to the property. It was disheartening to read such remarks regarding “the types of people cannabis attracts”, it is a harmful stereotype, I am a hardworking mom (of two now) that has two jobs and is an active part of the community and volunteers with my son’s school. Being that we will be residing on the property safety will always be a top concern and will be handled as so, we will be utilizing the most efficient farming practices to minimize staff. And all staff will be aware of the standard they are to uphold when arriving and during work.

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    Crystal Thomas almost 2 years ago

    Part 1: Hello, my name is Crystal Thomas and my family resides at 21080 Loconomi Road, we are part of the cultivation team working with Ghost Dance LLC. We are a small family oriented group that wants to cultivate top notch cannabis in an environmentally friendly way to help treat people in many different ways. We have lived here now for two years and have tried to be stewards of the land and friendly to our neighbors. We haven’t had much success in this area being that we have never hid our intentions of applying for a license since meeting the first residents, honesty is the best policy, I do feel that this put a barrier between us and closed the opportunity to become friends with our neighbors. Aside from cleaning up the property substantially, we have taken in the abandoned stray dog and found homes for the other animals left on the premises.