Agenda Item

6a. 22-1205 9:05 a.m. - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of Proposed Use Permit Extension UPX 22-03 for Use Permit UP 93-16 (Previously Use Permit UP 92-8); and Categorical Exemption CE 22-41; Applicant: Geysers Power Company, LLC; Location: 9010 Socrates Mine Road, Middletown (APN 013-004-15)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Sophie MacArthur Clark almost 2 years ago

    As direct neighbors to this project, we are substantially affected by their operations. While we do not oppose the extension of this use permit, we urge that this opportunity be taken to ensure safety and adequate enforcement of the protections in the original permit. Most importantly, the state of road access has deteriorated significantly posing risks to the safety of local residents and Geysers staff. The Staff Report states: "The project is accessed of off Socrates Mine Road... The roads are adequate for the ongoing use of the steamfields." However, two sections of Socrates Mine Road which are required to access the project have collapsed in landslides in recent years, reducing them both to one lane. Whether due to further erosion or a vehicle/rock/other in the road, it would be all to easy to fully block these narrow areas leaving us and our neighbors with only one route of escape in a wildfire. We urge that repair of these sections be made a condition of this permit extension.