Agenda Item

7.9 22-1034 Consideration of Request by the Clearlake Oaks Keys Property Owners Association for a Waiver of Fees for an Aquatic Weed Herbicide Treatment Permit

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    Patricia Moore almost 2 years ago

    Our home in Clearlake Oaks has been in our family for nearly 50 years.
    NEVER have we seen the canals so DEVASTATED by these invasive aquatic weeds. This has seriously impacted the natural beauty, wildlife habitats and ability to enjoy these waterways. This area used to be bustling with activity; folks that frequented these keys, whether full time residents, weekenders or out-of-town fishermen – were naturally all supporting the local businesses in this area. That is not the case today. Business are impacted and our property values are at risk.
    Our HOA has limited funds. Many homeowners are retired and on fixed incomes, like ourselves. A special assessment for all homeowners is a hardship for the majority (if not all) of the keys homeowners and quite possibly impossible for some.
    We therefore respectfully request waiver of the permit fees associated with the spraying of these invasive aquatic weeds.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Patty and Dennis Moore

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    Donna Mackiewicz almost 2 years ago

    Water monitoring tests and recent discovery of West Nile in the Clear Lake Oaks Arm Keys is an indicator of how we as a county are failing to protect the lake's health. Please consider waiving the first year fee for our homeowners association to spray herbicide. Thank you for partnering with the Keys parcel owners on this imperative step for the lake, residents, tourists and natural resources of all kinds.

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    Michael Herman almost 2 years ago

    I am asking for the help of the BOS waiving the permit fees for spraying primrose in the Keys waterways. The county gets money from property taxes and bed tax from short term rentals. If the POA loses control of the primrose in the channels, property values will decrease and so will taxes because people will not be able to get to the lake. We need your help.

    This problem occurred because for 3-1/2 years, the POA has not been able to use the Weed Harvester, due to a hydrilla find, COVID and 2 years of drought. For over 30 years, the POA has controlled the primrose with no help from the county. This includes maintaining the Stubs Channel (West Entry to the Keys) which belongs to the county for access to Clark Island.

    Your help would be an investment in the future. I would like to thank the BOS for you time on this issue.

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    Ed Legan almost 2 years ago

    Waiving the permit fees is an investment in the future of the Keys. If we cannot save the Keys now, it will soon be too late and property values will drop and taxes from short-term rentals will decrease. It will also affect boating, kayaking, and fishing in the Keys and around Clark Island. The Keys POA needs your help. I would like to thank the Lake County Board of Supervisors for listening to the concerns of the Clear Lake Keys POA and the residences. Sincerely, Clear Lake Keys Property Owners Association