Agenda Item

7.5 22-839 ADDENDUM - Consideration of appealing Planning Commission decision Re: Bottle Rock Farm FJA Trust Cannabis Project

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    Tao Klauenburch about 2 years ago

    Hello my name is Tao Klauenburch

    I work for Bottle Rock farms as a compliance consultant and director, and I have worked for other cannabis companies including Good Onward, Cannacraft, and Nug Farms.

    I wish to share the perspective of someone whose job it is to make a business compliant, and that is, at the start it is difficult to be compliant 100% of the time when you rely on other groups and moving parts coming together.

    Jennifer, Amiel, and Fred have excellent character and have supported me in everything I have worked on for them. I know they have put in a huge and well done effort to quickly and professionally take care of the many items that compliance covers.

    I have worked directly with Jennifer on financial forecasting. As part of that work I ran different scenarios with regards to their financial situation and concluded that they must execute a 2022 season, if possible, in order to remain a viable business after suffering heavy losses in the 2021 cannabis market crash.