Agenda Item

6.3 22-749 9:10 A.M. - Consideration of ARPA/SLFRF Allocation Recommendations, Pursuant to the Recovery and Revitalization Plan for Lake County

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    Alyssa Gordon about 2 years ago


    While it is deeply disappointing to hear the committee’s opinion on this matter, it is understandable that the BOS is often forced to make difficult choices for the greater good of the county. We only ask for a smaller allocation of SLFRF.
    Economic impacts of the Pandemic have compromised HVLCSD’s ability to maintain this critical infrastructure of water/wastewater services. Supply chain impacts to our water meter replacement program which an 8 month delay in project launch. This is 8 months more of water wastefully lost as our county was entering into a serious drought.
    We envision installing the remainder of water meters within this fiscal year via contracted work. If it pleases the Board, the HVLCSD would respectfully request a greatly reduced SLFRF allocation of $60,000.00
    As per the Board of Supervisor’s Recovery and Revitalization Plan for Lake County, we are asking for your help to Act Now on Water and Sewer Infrastructure Projects.

    Alyssa Gordon, Dennis White