Agenda Item

6.3 22-466 9:07 A.M. - Consideration of Resolution Proclaiming the Existence of a Local Emergency Due to Pervasive Tree Mortality

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    Mary Benson over 2 years ago

    I cannot tell if my previous comment in support was accepted--I was routed to setting up an account and it then said, "Come back in a few days to comment!" so I am trying again. I write in support for the declaration of emergency regarding the dead and diseased trees. Thank you.

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    Bobby Dutcher over 2 years ago

    I definitely support this resolution. The health of our forests is critical to our environment, and ignoring disease and insect infestations has created a very unhealthy situation. Many landowners don't have the skills, resources, or experience to deal with this, State and local governments must do more to get this situation under control. Fuel loading is reaching an unacceptable level, and if we don't do something to remove it fire will do it for us.

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    Gillian Parrillo over 2 years ago

    Thank you to Supervisor Pyska for reaching out to experts in tree mortality and presenting the evidence that this situation poses a clear threat to the health and safety of all Lake County residents and is growing daily. The costs to mitigate will be very high and the County does not have enough resources to combat it alone. Declaring a local emergency will allow the County to reach out to State and Federal authorities to assist with funding and other resources. Please pass this resolution and let's get started on an action plan.

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    John Phelps over 2 years ago

    Dear Board of Supervisors,

    I have about an acre on Hoberg Dr. in Cobb. Due to the beetle infestation of the pine trees last year, I felt obligated to have the dead trees on my property cut in order to reduce fire danger from fire or falling. I hired a tree service to cut seven trees. Since then, 4 more trees have died. On the small lot next door my neighbor had 22 trees die.

    This infestation affects many of my neighbors all over the county. Some of my neighbors can't afford the cost of removal. Some are absentee. It seems to me that an aggressive governmental response to the infestation can help reduce the dangers from fire or falling.

    I understand that the state may have emergency funds available to address our situation, and I urge you to seek those funds.

    John Phelps
    9390 Hoberg Dr.

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    Glo Anderson over 2 years ago

    Please pass this Resolution declaring a local emergency in all of Lake County due to the pervasive Tree Mortality. All one needs to do is drive around Lake County and see the huge die off that is occurring next to Highway 29 from Lower Lake to Lakeport, while pumping gas at Twin Pines Casino gas station, on Spruce Grove Road, on Jerusalem Grade Road, etc. to know that our next fires will be worse than what we had in 2015 through 2020! Prevention is so much better than the aftermath of healing a county that is still cleaning up after all the fires we have endured. Please pass this resolution so that funds can be made available so that Lake County can start being more proactive with fire safety. Thank you!

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    Michael Colbruno over 2 years ago

    We own a 30-acre property just east of Hidden Valley Lake off Spruce Grove Road where we have been privately funding tree removals to mitigate fire risks. However, a recent infestation of beetles has created a wide swath of diseased, dying and dead conifer trees, making further mitigations financially untenable.

    We have successfully worked with PG&E in helping clear trees adjoining power poles and transformers, however, their scope is limited by distance to those hazards in what they will remove.

    In 2021, CalFire issued a report stating that fuel reduction projects should be prioritized adjacent to population centers, like Hidden Valley (population 5,600), which provide needed fire breaks near those communities.

    A group of neighbors sent a letter to Supervisor Simon inviting him to tour the area and we sincerely hope that he takes us up on the offer, especially since he sits on the Tree Mortality Committee. Kudos to Supervisor Pyska for her leadership countywide.