Agenda Item

6.7 22-274 10:30 A.M. - a) Presentation of the Current Status and Next Steps for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration Project; and b) Consideration of the 2022 Non-Federal Sponsor Letter of Intent and Authorize the Lake County Board of Supervisors to Sign

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    Julia Carrera over 2 years ago

    The BOS must act on the failing Middle Creek Diversion Project levee which is in an emergency situation. The channel banks are collapsing, comprimising the structural integrity of the levee and destorying endanger hitch habitat. Please make sure special attention is paid to the shoring up, vegetation removal and gravel extration of the Middle Creek Diversion project, including replacement of outdated mechanical equipment that manages the diversion. The citizens and residents of Uppe Lake are in eminent danger of unprecedented flooding to their homes and business. Thank you.