Agenda Item

4. 22-195 9:15 a.m. Public Hearing on consideration of Major Use Permit (UP 20-21) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-24). The Applicant: High Valley Oaks, LLC./ Kim Gardner and Cody William Leck is proposing four (4) A-Type 3: "Outdoor" licenses: Outdoor cultivation for adult use cannabis without the use of light deprivation and/or artificial lighting in the canopy area at any point in time from 10,001 square feet to one acre, inclusive, of total canopy size on one premises; and a Type 13"Distributor Transport Only, Self-Transport Distribution" license. The project is located at 9850 High Valley Road, Clear Lake Oaks, CA; and further describes as APN: 006-004-19.

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    Pamela Kicenski about 3 years ago

    I oppose the project as presented. I feel that further investigation is needed and that certainly a 10 year permit is not warranted. Isn’t this cannabis project located in a scenic corridor?