Agenda Item

3. 22-170 9:10 a.m. Public Hearing on consideration of Major Use Permit (UP 20-81) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-97). The Applicant: Red Hills, RHRP1/ Crystal Keesey, is proposing Twenty-five (25) A-Type 3 Medium Outdoor Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Licenses consisting of 35 acres of cultivation area and 25 acres of canopy area, and one A-Type 13 'Self Distribution' license. Also proposed are two (2) 120 sq. ft. sheds; one (1) 64 sq. ft. cannabis waste storage and compost area; one (1) 312 sq. ft. portable office building; one (1) 312 sq. ft. portable building for use as an employee break room; three (3) 60,000 gallon water storage tanks; portable restrooms, and a 6' tall security and privacy fence.

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    Donna Mackiewicz about 3 years ago

    As new information is brought to our attention (Tree Mortality workshop today), is it wise to remove all the blue oak? It is confusing IS20-97 states 120 acres of habitat and all blue oaks will be removed and then on another page states No live trees would be removed. Pg 17 Approximately 180 acres of ponderosa pine/black oak forest habitat are mapped as preserve areas to mitigate for the removal of approximately 120 acres of that habitat. All of the blue oak (which does reduce diversity on the property) will be removed. Also, blue oak woodland is widespread throughout the county and surrounding area; therefore, losing some of it is less critical than the other two communities. Pg 20. No live trees would need to be removed for the development of this project as the cannabis cultivation project will be developed in a previously cleared area. How many oaks will actually be removed?