Agenda Item

1. 22-168 9:00 a.m. (Continued from January 27, 2022) Public Hearing on consideration of amendment (MMU 20-11) to Major Use Permit (UP 18-25) and an addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 18-110), to grant the expansion of the existing use to legitimize an 8100 sq. ft. building that was built without land use approval or building permits, and is associated with the previously approved Major Use Permit (UP 18-25). The Applicant is KLS-RBS LLC/ Mike Mitzel and Jed Morris and the project is located at 9475 Bottle Rock Road, Kelseyville, CA; and further described as APN 011-004-60.

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    Jake B about 3 years ago

    Dear Planning Commissioners
    Durning the last PC hearing about the illegal structure the question was asked, if the building was built by Mary Draper the old owner, or Jed Morris. The links below clearly show that the building was not in the first instagram post but is in the second post. Both posts I found on Humboldt Standards Instagram page (see links below), which is Jed Morris. I was at the 9475 Bottle Rock property just prior to Jed Morris taking over the property in March of 2020 and I know there was not a structure there at that time.

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    Redbud Audubon Lake County CA Chapter about 3 years ago

    Deny this project. There are so many inconsistencies, past violations, changes (all the way from removing names to size), biological reports are incomplete, and huge negative impacts to quality of life for humans and animals. There are good projects and bad projects - this one is one that should not be considered for permitting. Look into complaints filed by neighbors and accept the recommendation from Planner Eric Porter and Deny this project With Prejudice. Even the consideration of removing mature oaks shows the lack of concern for our environment - cannabis and oaks can be compatible. Lake County is losing trees so fast - why remove a keystone species that offers so much: supports over 300 animals, 1,100 plants, 370 fungi, and 5,000 insects and invertebrates, not to mention... air quality, erosion control, regeneration after fires and beauty.

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    Donna Mackiewicz about 3 years ago

    This is alarming that the removal of 130 oaks will be removed and "Less than Significant Impact" is reported in the IS! "On average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four." This project removes over 130 oaks. Please take time to review this project as it is a BIG impact on our county's air, wildlife and quality of life. An EIS should be mandatory.