Agenda Item

4. 22-133 9:20 A.M. - Public Hearing on Consideration of Major Use Permit (UP 20-22) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-25). The applicant Zarina Otchkova/ We Grow, LLC., proposes fifteen (15) A-Type 3B mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation licenses and one A-Type 13 'Self Distribution' license. Proposed are thirty two (32) 90' x 125' greenhouses; two (2) 90' x 125' greenhouses for immature plant starts; four (4) 50' x 100' drying buildings; one (1) 200 sq. ft. shed; twenty (20) 5,000 gallon water tanks; one (1) 6-foot tall galvanized woven wire fence covered with privacy mesh to screen the greenhouses from public view. Total proposed cultivation area is 387,600 sq. ft. (roughly 9 acres); total proposed canopy area is 330,000 sq. ft. The applicant is also proposing the removal of 130 blue oak trees. The project is located at 16750 Herrington Road, Middletown, CA. (cultivation site), and 17610 Sandy Road, Middletown, CA.; and 19678 Stinson Road, MIddletown, CA.; and Further Describes as A.P.N. 013-060-40 (cultivation site) and A.P.N.s 013-014-03 and 013-014-11 (clustering sites).

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Mary Sullivan over 2 years ago

    We live in the Rim Rock Ranch subdivision, which is adjacent to the property WeGrow LLC proposes to develop.

    We have been and continue to be, very much opposed to this huge cannibas operation. For a year, the surrounding subdivisions have collectively voiced their overwhelming, concern regarding many aspects of this project. It’s an illegal, improper application that has been badly designed The staff report points out many flaws including excessive native tree removal, power availability and other aspects that make this project unsuitable for this location in Lake County. This is a rural residential neighborhood and a large commercial project flies in the face of our quality of life that we have all worked so hard to build and preserve.

    We are delighted that our voices are finally being heard with the Planning Department staff recommending that the Commission deny this application. Please respect our livelihood and adopt their recommendation.

    Mary Sullivan

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    Jason Krauss over 2 years ago

    I am opposed to this project. It is not appropriate for the area. It will create a significant safety issue during wildfire evacuations as indicated by CHP.
    The power grid cannot support the power demand. It is suspicious the we applicant wanted a 4000 amp service, but when denied, is now only requesting 200amp service. It is likely applicant will use generators at location like we saw in high valley. Unpermitted generators are extreme fire danger.
    The applicant has made several omissions and errors during entire process.
    Officials must deny this project.

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    Olivia Rae over 2 years ago

    I request that you deny the WeGrow commercial cannabis cultivation project due to the CHP felony violation, and non-compliance of numerous local and cannabis ordinances. Please see attached. Thank you for your time.

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    Scott Nagelson over 2 years ago

    My wife and I own 20395 Vineyard Drive, adjacent to the property WeGrow proposes to establish this large indoor cannabis operation.
    We are pleased that the Planning Department staff is recommending that the Commission deny this application. This is an improper application that has been badly designed. The report points out many flaws including excessive native tree removal, power availability and other aspects that make this project unsuitable.
    There are many other inaccuracies that would come to light if a full EIR was performed. I have no faith in the “professionals” who have done the design and planning. There will be more earth moved than stated to build this many structures. Run off from so many structures will require a highly engineered plan to ensure that flooding and erosion do not occur.
    The location of this large commercial project is inappropriate for this rural residential neighborhood. Please respect our quality of life and deny this application.
    Scott Nagelson

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    Scott Nagelson over 2 years ago

    My wife and I own 20395 Vineyard Drive, adjacent to the property WeGrow proposes to establish this large indoor cannabis operation.
    We are pleased that the Planning Department staff is recommending that the Commission deny this application. This is an improper application that has been badly designed. The report points out many flaws including excessive native tree removal, power availability and other aspects that make this project unsuitable.
    There are many other inaccuracies that would come to light if a full EIR was performed. I have no faith in the “professionals” who have done the design and planning. There will be more earth moved than stated to build this many structures. Run off from so many structures will require a highly engineered plan to ensure that flooding and erosion do not occur.
    The location of this large commercial project is inappropriate for this rural residential neighborhood. Please respect our quality of life and deny this application.
    Scott Nagelson

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    Kandice Goodman over 2 years ago

    I am devastated to learn that the WeGrow project intends to cut down 130 mature blue oaks. It seems obvious to me that if this project needs to remove 130 oak trees it should be stopped. This is the wrong place for a cannabis farm. Also, in a drought is it appropriate to pump so much water out of the aquifer? In my experience, this could cause private residence's wells to potentially go dry.
    Losing all of those beautiful drought resilient blue oak trees is the most horrible aspect of this proposal. If we want to encourage tourism in Lake County we should never allow destruction of our oak trees, which are one of our greatest assets, along with our beautiful birds and wildlife who enjoy them.

    Kandice Goodman

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    Douglas Berman over 2 years ago

    I oppose approval of this commercial cannabis operation on the doorsteps of Hidden Valley Lake, the 2nd largest population center in Lake County. I understand the County wishes to expand its tax base, but I believe the end result of approval will actually be diminished tax revenues due to negatively impacted property values of the 3300 properties within HVL. No prospective homebuyer ever asked a realtor to find a family home in close proximity to a commercial cannabis operation. This will represent a failure of planning and zoning. The Cannabis Exclusion Zones drawn by the County make a mockery of planning and zoning. If one wishes to see the ramifications of poor planning and zoning one needs only drive around the perimeter of Clear Lake and see the blighted areas adjacent to the crown jewel of Lake County. I urge a moratorium on approval of commercial cannabis operations until such time as the County of Lake has reconsidered and redrawn the lines of the Cannabis Exclusion Zones.

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    Davis Palmer over 2 years ago

    You are already well aware of the difficulties with this application. Though the applicants may well have the resources to appear to jump through many of the regulatory hoops required for approval, the bottom line is how would such an approval affect the quality of life for the citizens already living around the proposed operation?

    The proposed project is surrounded by subdivisions: Shadow Hills and Dohnery Ridge directly north; Rim Rock Vineyard Estates to the east; and the Ranchos to the south and west. Also to the the west are thousands of residents in Hidden Valley Lake.

    The cannabis industry has its place in more remote areas in Lake County. This property, surrounded by so many citizens and homeowners, is not an appropriate location.

    Please make the right decision for the thousands of residents potentially affected by this proposed operation and reject the WeGrow, LLC IS 20-25, UP 20-22 application.

    Thank you.

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    Richard Thomas over 2 years ago

    Potential water shortage and/or contamination -
    Potential for harmful and disturbing smells
    Potential for property value loss and/or livability
    Numerous environmental concerns
    Potential negative influences to children in the area
    Huge Residential immediate area
    loss of scenic views
    Numerous other issues limited by your 1000-work limitation of this platform
    Richard Thomas- oppose

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    Nik Lutz over 2 years ago

    Please see my attached letter in opposition to the We Grow Operation.

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    Patrick Wilken over 2 years ago

    To Whom It May Concern,

    As Lake County residents immediately adjacent to the proposed IS 20-25, UP 20-22 WeGrow, LLC. cannabis project, we very much oppose the approval of this project for a number of reasons:
    The history of illegal activity on the proposed site
    Significant inadequacies in site studies to date
    The close proximity to one of the densest residential areas (Hidden Valley Lake, the Ranchos, and Rim Rock Ranch Vineyard Estates) in Lake County
    We hope after careful review of this project, you too come to the conclusion that IS 20-25, UP 20-22 WeGrow, LLC would have significant negative impacts on adjacent communities.

    Patrick Wilken and William Dickson

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    Sufyan Hamouda over 2 years ago

    Please see attached letter

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    Kate Schmidthopper over 2 years ago

    The Western states are in Megadrought. Cannabis is not a necessary food crop. Groundwater supplies are dwindling. Lake Co. does NOT need another grow, especially so close to residential neighborhoods. Please slow down all the permitting processes. Thank you

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    Donna Mackiewicz over 2 years ago

    Cannabis operations should not be permitted in established, caring neighborhoods. Lake County is huge - don't take a chance on long-term negative impacts to human, wildlife, water, air health when no concrete, scientific studies are available. Denying this project is the responsible thing to do.