Agenda Item

5.2 22-66 Adopt Resolution Postponing Cannabis Tax Payments To May 15, 2022, Suspending Late Payment Penalties During The Period Of Postponement, And Suspending Tax Rate Increases Pursuant To The Consumer Price Index Until 2024.

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    LCCA President over 2 years ago

    Re: Agenda Item 5.2 – Adopt Resolution Postponing Cannabis Tax Payments To May 15, 2022, Suspending Late Payment Penalties During The Period Of Postponement, And Suspending Tax Rate Increases Pursuant To The Consumer Price Index Until 2024.

    February 1, 2022

    Honorable Supervisors:

    The Lake County Cannabis Alliance would like to thank the Board and the Administrative Office for suspending the CPI Tax Rate increase until 2024, and for hearing the concerns of the industry regarding the January 31st tax due date. We appreciate you bringing forth this resolution to codify last week’s discussion to postpone the tax deadline and suspend late payment penalties during this time.

    We are grateful for your support for this Resolution, and look forward to your consideration of County tax reform to help stabilize the local industry so that we can continue to do business here and contribute to the long term prosperity of Lake County.


    Jennifer K. Smith
    President, LCCA