Agenda Item

7.3 22-27 Consideration of Suspension of CPI Tax Rate Increase for Cannabis Taxes

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    County Resident over 2 years ago

    It is a recreational crop. If you can't afford the taxes or plan accordingly for the chance of a less-than-profitable year, residents should not suffer the consequences of being denied the promised tax revenue when making cannabis legal was up for a vote.

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    LCCA Admin over 2 years ago

    Support the suspension of CPI Tax Rate Increase for Cannabis Taxes as well as the suspension of the January 31 tax deadline. See attached PDF for the need to reform the way Lake County taxes (canopy or gross receipts) and the burden of the flat taxes. This PDF is in addition to the letter send by the LCCA to the Board of Supervisors on 1.24.22 - also attached.

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    Sean Connell over 2 years ago

    Please see my attached letter for comments.

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    Pamela Kicenski over 2 years ago

    Please refer to my comment for agenda item 7.2

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    Michael Colbruno over 2 years ago

    I intend to speak on this item, but wanted to point out that the suspension of the CPI cannabis tax increase is meaningless, unless it is followed up with reform of the tax structure. With the industry in crisis, a minimum one-year suspension of the tax would allow the market and industry to correct itself.