Agenda Item

6.3 22-14 9:40 A.M. - (a) Consideration of a Follow-Up Presentation by Sonoma Clean Power Chief Executive Officer, Geof Syphers, on a Geothermal Opportunity Zone (GeoZone); (b) Consideration of a Resolution Establishing County Membership in the Sonoma Lake Mendocino Opportunity Zone

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    Debi Sally over 2 years ago

    I am the chair of the Sierra Club, Lake Group, an organization that advocates for reaching a carbon neutral economy and is generally supportive of geothermal as an option to fossil fuel for energy production. However, Lake County should not be a proving ground for new technologies without having a seat on the GeoZone Board of Directors. The potential for problems is too great. Sonoma Clean Power denied Lake County the opportunity to join their power footprint but wants to have access to up to three-fourths of our county to deliver power elsewhere? Local power generation is an important piece of a more stable and sustainable supply of energy. Isn’t it time Lake County got to utilize some of the energy that is produced here? We believe the resolution should not be passed without adding a seat for Lake County on the GeoZone Board of Directors and asking the Sonoma Clean Power Board to reconsider the Lake County Board of Supervisor’s request to join the Community Choice Power footprint.

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    Pamela Kicenski over 2 years ago

    I echo the comments and concerns mentioned in Holly Harris and Chuck Lamb’s letter to the Board of Supervisors. To even consider moving forward in any way Lake County should hold a Position on the Board of Directors. Lake County is not a testing site and should not be taken advantage. The problems of the past such as the Superfund Site/Mercury Mine and Middle Creek are yet to be resolved. Let us not rush into any project that may jeopardize our beautiful County and it’s natural resources.

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    Donna Mackiewicz over 2 years ago

    VERY concerned about the lack of data with Sonoma Clean Power "GeoZone opportunities across more than three‐quarters of the land area of Lake County." Will the power stay in Lake County for our residents? Are there plans to drill into Clear Lake? Where are the areas being considered for geo-thermal development? Are there areas where mineral rights have been removed from the surface land rights? Would they be allowed to drill under those properties? Have all land owners been contacted? When? Who received notices?⦁ What exactly are these new technologies? Have the new technologies been used elsewhere and what is the long-term effect on people, wildlife, water, air? We need to review all the scientific data before making any steps forward.