Agenda Item

6.4 21-1304 10:30 A.M. - Consideration of Resolution Supporting Community Development Department in Processing Commercial Cannabis Permits While Ensuring Appropriate Environmental Protection To Our Communities

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    Pamela Kicenski over 2 years ago

    Please explain the intent of this Resolution. I am unclear as to it’s purpose. I am certainly concerned that it does protect residents from the negative impacts of large cannabis cultivation in towns.

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    County Resident over 2 years ago

    Some of the mitigated negative declarations do not mitigate the issue at all and are simply created to appease the CEQA reuirement which is irresponsible. Require EIR'S for all projects over a certain size or potential impact to the area. The one size fits all approach is not working. What will the county do should the tax revenue from the industry ever cease? The residents will be left with a lot of environmental destruction that cannot be re-established. Look beyond the dollar signs and see the impact you are imposing on the environment. Require EIR's even if CEQA doesn't.

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    Donna Mackiewicz over 2 years ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I do not understand the wording of the resolution. It is know the Board cares about the community, environment - especially when projects have great effects like cannabis in neighborhoods - and they make decisions based on facts and laws and respect CDD recommendations - I assumed all the time. I hope clarification of the intent of this resolution will be more fully explained and why this is being brought before the Board this day. Also, was this agenda properly/timely publicized? Thank you.

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    Betsy Cawn over 2 years ago

    Inasmuch as the California Environmental Quality Act ( already states what the language in the proposed resolution reinterates, what is the purpose and intent of creating this resolution?