Agenda Item

2 21-1261 9:10 a.m. Public hearing on consideration of a Major Use Permit (UP 21-24) and a Categorical Exemption (CE 21-05). The project applicant Hilltop Recovery Services, Inc., owner: Lori Carter-Runyon, is proposing an expansion of a substance abuse rehabilitation treatment facility to allow a total maximum capacity of 20 residences to serve only women in an existing residential home to be converted as a treatment facility. The project is located at 14725 Catholic Church Road, Clearlake Oaks, CA; and further described as APN(s): 010-046-06. Unfortunately, due to the posting of an inaccurate notice, Item Number UP 21-24/CE 21-05 for the December 16, 2021 Lake County Planning Commission Agenda will require re-noticing. The notice published on December 06, 2021 noticed the recommendation of a categorical exemption when it should have noticed the recommendation of an Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Major Use Permit (UP 21-24/CE 21-05). Because of the re-noticing requirement, the Planning Commission may hear comments on the Item UP 21-24/CE 21-05, but any decision by the Planning Commission will need to be reserved for a final hearing at a later date after accurate notice is posted. The attached staff report and other documents regarding the Reapplication for Amendment of UP 21-24/CE 21-05 are provided for Item Number 2 on the December 16, 2021 Lake County Planning Commission Agenda. These documents analyze and address the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration.

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Amanda McQueen over 2 years ago

    I fully support Holltops goal in expanding rehabilitation services for women in our community! Drug and alcohol addiction affects so many people in lake county and resources like this provide positive solutions that save lives! As someone who has seen how addiction can hurt not just the addict but everyone around them, I know how beneficial this service will be to the entire community.

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    Holman Su over 2 years ago

    As a resident of the county, I fully support Hilltop and their goal to open a substance abuse rehabilitation facility to support women in need of such resources. This is a much needed thing for women to have a place where they can be provided a safe space and get the support they need. Everyone, men and women, should both be equally given this opportunity to go through the recovery process.

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    Crystal Hubkey over 2 years ago

    Hilltop Recovery Services' mission is to provide treatment to those struggling with addiction and they have done so in this community for years. Addiction does not discriminate, both men and women are faced with it and resources to help them should be a priority for the community. I fully support Hilltop and their goal to bring residential treatment for women back to our community.

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    Tanya Maldonado over 2 years ago

    Drug addiction is one of the most prevalent issues in Lake County and Hilltop Recovery services has been helping with this issue for more than 13 years. Hilltop Recovery Services has done nothing but good for our community and I believe Women in our county deserve access to their services. I strongly recommend this project be approved.

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    Daniel Dawson over 2 years ago

    As a retired Professional from a City Building, Planning and Engineering Department and a proud member of the Recovery Community I strongly recommend the project be approved without further delay!