Agenda Item

7.2 21-1232 Consideration of Letter to California Department of Public Health Regarding Indoor Basketball Facial Covering Rules for Youth Sports

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    Logan Hayes almost 3 years ago

    I am completely opposed to mandating our children to wear masks especially when they are playing a sport such as basketball that raises heart rate and increases the need for oxygen!! Our children are already at an extremely low threat from COVID and there is no evidence that a mask will help in any significant way to spot the spread of COVID in children! The negatives far out way the positives and common sense should be used here!!!

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    Ashley Hayes almost 3 years ago

    I’m 100% against having our children wear masks in school, especially playing in a basketball game. It is doing way more damage than good. Causing anxiety, restricting breathing, and actually causing my kids to touch their face with their dirty hands WAY MORE than they ever have. I recently watched several sports, (including indoor) in Roseville Ca where kids were maskless. Why is it that we are forcing our kids to wear them? No to masks during any sport! No to masks at school!

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    Colette Milliman almost 3 years ago

    Thank you, Mr.s Sabatier for introducing this. It's nice to see a supervisor use some common sense regarding this virus issue. Masking should always be a personal choice. It's been almost two years. We all know the risks of covid. I can't imagine forcing children to attempt to breath while running the way they need to for basketball! That is completely insane. Children are barely at risk for the virus anyway. Thank you.

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    Lake County Resident almost 3 years ago

    Being that I have played basketball games during the COVID-19 pandemic I have fairly strong opinions on the matter. My situation required masks during warmup and on the bench but not during games. During the warmup period of the game we were exhausted. We could not hardly catch our breath, and they became drenched in sweat making it even harder to get air. I could not imagine playing an entire game with a mask choking me while exerting maximum energy. Anyone who has ever played a sport knows how demanding it can be, especially basketball where breaks are limited and short when granted. I would hate to discourage our youth or ruin an experience for them that may alter the rest of their life being that sports can do so much for those that are involved. Basketball ha s given me the opportunity to further my education as well as travel the country. I don’t know that I would have pursued it if my early experiences were hindered by a soaking wet piece of material keeping me out of breath.

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    Jessica Santos almost 3 years ago

    I completely opposed requiring athletes to mask during play, as you're asking them to intentionally restrict their oxygen which creates carbon dioxide buildup in their blood which I'm sure everyone knows is hyperventilation. And if subjected to large doses of carbon dioxide it can cause brain damage. As a mother of two boys in Lakeport unified School district I refuse having them masked during play, it's dangerous, abusive, and tyrannical. Stand up and let our kids free.

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    County Resident almost 3 years ago

    Quit treating constituents like a bunch of children that cannot make decisions for themselves or their families. There is over 2 yrs of jnformation for anyone to make an informed choice. If masks are then end-all to transmission, have any of you recently gone to a store, park or other public facility & seen the number of masks littering the sidewalks, parking lots, shopping carts and more? Shouldn't these masks be treated as hazardous waste since one does not know if an infected person wore it? Stop with the fear mongering. Mandates are not law & the BOS is making a conscious decision to keep enforcing these mandates. The only reason guidance is being sought from CDPH in this situation is because those around these children spoke up & the BOS does not want to lose out on funding by making the decision to change the mandate without permission. The county is only concerned with receiving emergency relief funds for an "emergency" that has been going on for over 2 years. No more mandates.

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    Jessica Hooten almost 3 years ago

    Our children need to be breathing fresh air while playing a strenuous sport. We need to stop this madness and live out our God given freedoms. It’s just sideways that we can fill a restaurant maskless but our kids are heavily under pressure to have masks on all day.

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    Jennifer Hughes almost 3 years ago

    The only thing worse than the unconstitutional, inconsistent tyranny is those that choose to follow it. Forcing children to wear masks while participating in sports is unethical and abuse. I challenge every adult choosing to enforce this mandate to participate in a full length high school basketball game to feel the oxygen restriction the children will be experiencing. It is unhealthy and harmful and the science and statistics due not support these mandates. Ca does not have a lower incidence of the virus in comparison to other states that do not have such restrictive living conditions. Common sense must prevail.

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    Suzie Ketchum almost 3 years ago

    My son plays basketball, it is a grueling hour of running up and down the court, during a game he is drenched in sweat and breathing hard, it is vitally important that he gets proper oxygen! Oxygen is important to fuel muscles and aid in muscle recovery! Wearing a mask while doing high intensity work outs is dangerous! Please remove the mask mandate for our young, healthy, low risk children!

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    Miriam Garner almost 3 years ago

    "It is well established that acute significant deficit in O2 (hypoxemia) and increased levels of CO2 (hypercapnia) even for a few minutes can be severely harmful and lethal.... Chronic mild and moderate hypoxemia and hypercapnea such as from wearing face masks resulting in shifting to higher contributions of anaerobic energy metabolism, decrease in pH levels and increase in cells and blood acidity, toxicity, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, immunosuppression and health deterioration. "(1) Masks restrict airflow, it's that simple. Our kids need sports for their physical and mental well-being. Let them play to the best of their abilities with no restrictions limiting their efforts. Ample, unbiased studies have been completed and can be researched. Unmasking our kids will do no harm or decrease public safety. Thank you
    1. C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/607fd1afaab96830b63db9b5_Stanford-Mask-Study.pdf

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    Joe Hughes almost 3 years ago

    If you've ever played basketball before you know how tiring it is. Imagine playing with diminished oxygen intake. These are young, developing bodies that don't need to take on that type of stress. Professional football players are often seen on sidelines with the aid of supplemental oxygen while playing in ideal conditions, exerting themselves 5-6 seconds at a time. Children are being forced to wear masks while running non-stop for minutes at a time. It's not right and it's not smart. Where does the liability fall when a child passes out. Where does the liability fall when a child's mask falls off and someone slips and falls. Sports have inherent risk as it is, please don't apply unnecessary risk. Thank you.