Agenda Item

5.1 21-1048 (a) Rescind action taken on October 5, 2021 under extra agenda item 4.3 (b) to adopt Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-116 Establishing Position Allocations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, Budget Unit No. 4012, Health Services Administration and reestablishing the Deputy Health Services Director as a County classification; and (b) Rescind action taken on October 5, 2021 under extra agenda item 4.3 (c) to appoint Jennifer Baker to Interim Deputy Health Services Director effective October 6, 2021; and (c) Rescind action taken on October 5, 2021 under extra agenda item 4.4 to appoint CAO Carol Huchingson to Interim Health Services Director; and (d) Appoint CAO Carol Huchingson to Interim Health Services Director; and (e) Adopt Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-116 Establishing Position Allocations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, Budget Unit No. 4012, Health Services Administration and reestablishing the Deputy Health Services Director as a County classification; and (f) Appoint Jennifer Baker to Interim Deputy Health Services Director effective October 6, 2021

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