Agenda Item

6.14 21-960 11:15 A.M. - (a) Waive formal bidding process pursuant to section 2-30 8.2 of the County Purchasing Ordinance due to the unique goods and services; and, (b) Approve a Two-Year Lease of nineteen (19) Automated License Plate Reader cameras from Flock Group Inc., 1170 Howell Mill Rd., NW., Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30318, in an amount not to exceed $52,250 for Year One and $47,500 for Year Two, and authorize the Chair to sign

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    Donna Mackiewicz almost 3 years ago

    We support waiving the formal bidding process and hope the Board will approve the lease of the 19 cameras. Districts around the lake can benefit from the cameras. You will see positive results from Flock Group's license Plate Reader cameras right away: valuable tool for safety and well-being of Lake residents - especially in District 3. Thank you. Richard and Donna Mackiewicz, CLO Keys