Agenda Item

6.4 21-757 1:30 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING - Appeal of Vicious Animal Abatement Case Number #859, located at 21852 Jerusalem Grade Lower Lake (Brandon Strausser)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Glo Anderson about 3 years ago

    Hi! On 7-13-2021, I reported a wolfdog sighting to Mary P., Animal Care and Control & to Moke S., that had taken place on 7-12-2021, approximately 8:30pm in the field in front of my place. The wolfdog was traveling south to north with a purpose as it ignored me, my buck, and a deer standing on the road. I alerted the neighbors of this sighting that night. Also, Brandon S. has been threatening neighbors about the loss of his wolfdogs. I hope the BOS will permanently remove these vicious wolfdogs from our area and possibly recommend to Animal Care and Control to set up a humane trap for the loose wolfdog before it atarts attacking & killing more livestock and wildlife. Thank you!