Agenda Item

6.6 21-714 11:00 A.M. - Consideration of an Urgency Ordinance Requiring Land Use Applicants to Provide Enhanced Water Analysis During a Declared Drought Emergency

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    Lake County Resident about 3 years ago

    Thank you Sup. Sabatier for bringing this Urgency Ordinance to the Board. Water is a serious issue & it needs to be looked at more thoroughly before proceeding with more use permits. Requiring drought management plans & hydrology reports should be standard for any large scale ag project whether it's during a drought or not.

    This ordinance is a step in the right direction. Residents are losing the enjoyment of their homes & wells are drying up in many areas of the county. All 13 groundwater basins need to be evaluated by the county. Until we better understand the basins & can curtail illegal water diversions, the county should not be approving any large ag projects especially for recreational crops such as wine grapes & cannabis. I support this ordinance & would like to see it permanently incorporated into the Community Development/Planning Commission review process even after the drought emergency is lifted. Protect the public safety, health & welfare for all Lake Co residents.

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    Donna Mackiewicz about 3 years ago

    Such an important move! Additional information is critical to ensuring that the Planning Commission approves projects based on evidence of water use and water impacts and the analysis of the impacts to the surrounding areas. It is sad this could not be done before issuance of Major Use Permit 21-10 this past week that will have long-term negative impacts for the area.