Agenda Item

1 21-682 9:05 A.M. Public Hearing to consider MAJOR USE PERMIT (UP 20-11). Applicant / Owner: Pasta Farms LLC. Proposed Project: Four phase development containing (11) A Type 3 (medium outdoor) commercial cannabis cultivation licenses within 113 hoop houses, and (1) A-Type 13 'self-distribution' license. Four (4) of the A-Type 3 licenses will convert to A-Type 3B (greenhouse) licenses within four years and will be inside four (4) 26,000 sq. ft. greenhouses. Location: 10750 and 10417 Seigler Springs North Road and 10833 Diener Drive, Kelseyville, CA; APNs: 115-004-01, 05 and 08. Environmental Evaluation: Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-11). (Eric Porter)

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Luis Roman about 3 years ago

    Cannabis and wine grows are drying up our ground water. This has to stop..

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    Rico Martinez about 3 years ago

    Extreme drought conditions. Lake levels are dropping. That should be enough information to make an educated decision. Allowing more pot farms or vineyards under these conditions can hurt everyone. There are already established farms and operations. If they suck all the aquifers dry, then it’s all for nothing. Allowing these new projects will hurt everyone.

    As I have said in another comment, Clearlake will end up like Lake Mendocino if you allow more projects.

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    Julie Barnett about 3 years ago


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    Lake County Resident about 3 years ago

    Every permit going before the commission should be required to have a FULL EIR. These projects will have effects on the area long after the plants are gone. Most residents of Lake County are not completely opposed to cannabis or wineries and want to see them be viable industries done in a viable way. The recklessness of approving permits without complete EIR's is not the way. Tax revenue is great but none of us can live without water.

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    Maria Kann about 3 years ago

    Use Permit 21-11 should be denied due to exceptional drought conditions. These large grows are destructive to our land and consume vital water resources. Cannabis is discretionary; water is mandatory. Deny all use permits for cannabis and winery expansion and protect our water resources for the people and animals.