Agenda Item

6.2 21-649 9:06 A.M. - Consideration of Update on COVID-19 Epidemiology

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    Julia Bono about 3 years ago

    I would like to address the ethics of vaccination. Has the board considered that some Lake County residents might have an ethical and/or religious objection to the fact that animals, including fully sentient primates like ourselves who value their lives, were used without their consent and subsequently all killed in order to briefly test each of the currently available COVID vaccines. No long term tests were done and many hundreds of innocent lives were indecently kept in cages and prematurely terminated.

    Politicians and other decision-makers like yourselves must also recognise how much time, money and innocent lives are wasted in the current animal testing paradigm. Research shows that:
    Over 95% of new drugs fail in human trials, even though they've already been proved safe and effective in experiments on animals.
    Over 90% of highly promising basic scientific discoveries, most of which involve animal experimentation, fail to enter routine clinical use within 20 years.