Agenda Item

5.10 21-503 (a) Waive formal bidding process pursuant to section 2-38.2 of the County Purchasing Policy due to the unique goods and services, (b) approve a two year lease of twenty-six (26) Automated License Plate Reader Cameras from Flock Group Inc., 1170 Howell Mill Rd NW Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30318 in an amount not to exceed $65,000/year and (c) authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign the agreement

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    Donna Mackiewicz about 3 years ago

    Fully support this and wondered if POA's (or individuals) could financially support additional purchase of cameras in areas with high needs for illegal dumping, speeding and traffic not stopping for pedestrian crossing (in front of Clearlake Oaks Post Office on Hwy. 20. Twice this week there could have been fatalities with failure to yield once and passing on the left while stopped for a pedestrian in the crosswalk.) Thank you to all Supervisors and county staff for your dedication.